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Tag Archives: wind turbine

Sean Hegarty

Sea giants to power the future

Turbines up to 300 metres high on massive floating platforms will be developed by ESB with experienced partners, reports Dan Danaher A NEW floating offshore windfarm of 1,400 megawatts will be developed off the coast of Clare and Kerry in two phases by ESB and joint venture partners, Equinor, a world leader in floating offshore wind technology. Once complete, the windfarm will be capable of powering more than 1.6 million homes in Ireland. Subject to the appropriate consents being granted, it is expected to be in production within the next decade. In an interview with the Clare Champion, Moneypoint station manager, Sean Hegarty said it is envisaged the new turbines will be constructed on an enormous floating concrete base weighing up to 15,000 tonnes, with the turbine built on a corner of the triangular structure. While the turbines in Peterhead off the UK coast, developed by ESB’s partners Equinor have a different base structure, he confirmed that, above the water, …

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Key Elements of €5 Billion Green Atlantic

THERE are four key elements to the multi-billion Euro Green Atlantic initiative announced by the ESB, which will result in the creation of a renewable energy hub in Moneypoint Power Station. The first part is renewable enablement. Work has already started on transforming Moneypoint into a green energy hub, breaking ground on a new €50m Sustainable System Support facility in the coming weeks. This new plant will provide a range of electrical services to the electricity grid which would previously have been supplied by thermal fired power stations. Its operation will enable higher volumes of renewables on the system. The second element is the creation of a floating off-shore wind farm of 1,400MW off the coast of Counties Clare and Kerry, which will be developed in two phases by ESB and joint venture partners, Equinor, a world leader in floating offshore wind technology. Once complete, the wind farm will be capable of powering more than 1.6m homes in Ireland. Subject …

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Parteen turbine in situ despite order

FRUSTRATION is growing among Parteen residents over the failure to remove a controversial wind turbine located near a local factory, reports Dan Danaher. A few weeks ago, Clare County Council requested a local developer to decommission and remove a controversial wind turbine erected near a Parteen factory on or before Thursday, April 8 following an alleged breach of a planning permission condition. According to a Council enforcement notice, the turbine and base structure as constructed is allegedly not sited at the location as permitted under planning permission initially granted in 2010 and is therefore not in compliance with this approval. If within the specified period the steps required under the enforcement notice have not been taken, the Council warned the developer may be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. Seamus Madden, c/o Limerick Blow Moulding, was granted planning permission to erect …

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Parteen wind turbine queried at Council MD meeting

THE development of a wind turbine in Parteen was raised at Tuesday’s meeting of Shannon Municipal District councillors, although debate was quite subdued, with a Council planning enforcement process in place. Fianna Fáil’s Pat O’Gorman raised the matter, asking for an outline of “the background to the grant of planning permission for a wind turbine in Parteen without any consultation with the local community”. He also asked if the Council were satisfied that it was 500m from residential property and if the revelant appropriate assessment had been carried out before planning permission was first granted, and then had its duration extended. A rather limited reply was provided by Acting Senior Executive Planner Gareth Ruane. “It is assumed that the motion in this instance relates to a turbine as recently erected in Parteen. “This turbine was permitted under Planning Reference 10/453 and permission for same was granted on January 11, /2011. At the time of assessment of the application there were …

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Council orders ‘decommission and removal’ of Parteen wind turbine

CLARE County Council has ordered the decommission and removal of a controversial wind turbine, which was erected a few weeks ago near the village of Parteen near the Limerick border, for “non compliance with planing permission”. The council originally granted permission in October 2011, to the named applicant, Seamus Madden, “to erect a single 800kW wind turbine, 73 metres high with a rotor diameter of 53 metres, and with ancillary road access, at Knockballynameth, Parteen” after no objections were lodged. There were no objections when an extension to the permission was granted in 2016, as no works had appeared. However, when the structure did appear last month, locals contacted The Clare Champion and local politicians voicing concerns about its size and proximity to houses in the local area. It’s understood the turbine was to be used to generate electricity at a local blow moulding manufacturing facility. Fianna Fáil TD, Cathal Crowe, who lives within the vicinity of the development, said …

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