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Tag Archives: West Clare Municipal District

Civil war in West Clare over road hedge cutting

A civil war has erupted in West Clare over the treatment of road verges and hedging, with half of the population insisting that they are cut and the other half determined that they be left alone. A number of councillors urged the local Clare County Council to increase the level of hedge cutting at this week’s first meeting of the newly elected West Clare Municipal District. However, councillor were warned that any attempt to cut hedging outside of the legal season would lead to a barrage of emails from constituents who would labelling the local authority as “environmental vandals”. It is currently illegal to cut or destroy hedges in Ireland between March 1 and August 31, to protect vulnerable nature such as nesting birds. However, exceptions are allowed in areas where the safety of motorists is in question. A spokesperson from Clare County Council also said that the ultimate responsibility for maintaining the hedges lay with the landowners and that …

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Updates provided on west Clare Active Travel projects

ACTIVE Travel projects are transforming pedestrian and cyclist access in West Clare, a recent meeting of the municipal district has heard. However, some works cannot proceed until aspects of the design of the West Clare Greenway have been ironed out.  In response to a question from Councillor Shane Talty, members were updated on a range of projects across the area. Seeking the update, Councillor Talty said he regularly receives questions about “projects which have been announced but not seen”. “I fully understand that these are in the pipeline and the Active Travel project have massive visibility,” he said. “My only concern is that some of them are contingent on the Greenway, which is still a number of years away.” In a written response to the motion, Senior Executive Officer (SE), John O’Malley provided an update on range of works on paths, crossings and lighting installations.  Mr O’Malley’s response noted that Active Travel is a five-year programme of funding which began …

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Opporutnity knocks for Clare towns with new national policy

A NEW national policy focused on promoting the vibrancy of town centres should be “a top line priority for everyone in the West Clare District”. That’s the view of the district Cathaoirleach, Councillor Cillian Murphy, who has asked that town teams be supported to represent their areas and drawn down government funding and support. The Town Centre First Policy was unveiled last month by the Department of Housing and outlines a number of actions to promote urban centres through the appointment of Town Regeneration Officers, investment, and training for town teams. Councillor Murphy noted that the name of the policy was “quite misleading”. “This applies to all of our towns and villages,” he said. “The policy will prove to be the single most important document for the sustainability and viability of rural towns.” He said that given that the policy refers to the role of town teams, there might be an opportunity for an early roll out of this element …

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‘Lost revenue’ frustrations for Clare seaside towns 

CONCERN has been voiced by several West Clare councillors about the lost opportunity to change the charging structure for parking in seaside towns, as a way of resourcing local facilities. Progress with the updating of parking bye-laws, which could see changes to the current charging policy, was outlined at a district meeting last week. Several members voiced frustration that the status quo will remain in place this summer, while the area’s Director of Services said charges will ultimately have to be considered for facilities which have previously been free. The matter was raised by Councillor Shane Talty who tabled a motion asking about extra staff resources for 2022. He also asked for an update on the county-wide review of parking systems. The Ennistymon man welcomed the fact that facilities will be available for the upcoming four-day Bank Holiday weekend. However, he expressed concern that there will be no change to parking bye-laws this year. “There is money escaping that should …

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‘Something for everyone’ in West Clare road works plan

“THERE’S something for everyone” in the approved schedule for works for this year in West Clare. That was the view of Councillor Gabriel Keating who proposed the approval of the multi-million euro plan at the district committee meeting last week.  An increase in almost all funding streams will see a total of more than €48 million being invested in roads infrastructure across Clare this year. Major projects earmarked for funds in West Clare include Blake’s Corner in Ennistymon. Funding of €970,000 allocated to Clare will be funnelled mainly towards The West Clare Greenway. There have also been increases in the funds available to West Clare for road improvement and maintenance this year. A total of 13 bridges in the district will be refurbished and five safety improvement schemes will be progressed. Under the heading of climate mitigation, eight schemes will be advanced in West Clare, mainly in the Kilrush Local Electoral Area (LEA).  Outlining the schedule for 2022, Senior Engineer …

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Councillors condemn Moneypoint’s use of Russian coal

WEST Clare councillors are to write to the ESB to condemn the sourcing of coal from Russia for the Moneypoint power plant. It comes against the backdrop of sanctions taken by western nations against Russia over its attack on Ukraine. This coincides with the revelation that Russian coal accounted for almost all of the fuel consumed in Moneypoint in 2021. Responding to Clare Champion queries, the ESB outlined prior to 2021, electricity generation from Moneypoint had reduced significantly, requiring only small quantities of coal in those years. However, in 2021, a combination of factors saw an increase in electricity generation from Moneypoint to meet demand on the Irish electricity system, resulting in more than one million tons of coal being burned over that year. The ESB has seen that trend continue into the early part of 2022. “ESB sources coal for Moneypoint on international markets. Russian coal accounted for almost all of the coal consumed in Moneypoint in 2021,” the …

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Motorists to be warned of pedestrians on Ennistymon walk

SAFETY improvements are to be made at a scenic walk, along the River Inagh, in Ennistymon, following a request from local Councillor Shane Talty. Tabling a notice of motion to the most recent meeting of the West Clare Municipal District, the Fianna Fáil member urged officials to address an issue at Shrohill on the Falls River Walk. “The river walk was developed with the assistance of CLÁR funding and it’s been a fantastic sanctuary for many throughout Covid,” he said. “The problem, at the moment, is that those using the walk have to emerge onto the road and there are very dangerous bends before they go back onto the walk.” Councillor Talty thanked Senior Executive Engineer (SEO), Enda McNamara, for his reply which undertook to install safety signage to warn motorists of the presence of pedestrians in the Shrohill area. Cathaoirleach of the West Clare Municipal District, Councillor Joe Garrihy also welcomed the news. “This is a popular walk,” he …

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More lighting concerns in rural West Clare

FURTHER concerns have been raised in West Clare over the adequacy of street lighting in rural areas. At the March meeting of the Municipal District committee, the matter was brought up by Councillor Gabriel Keating who called for upgrade works in Knockerra Village. “There are a number of houses on the side road close to the church and there is not public lighting there whatsoever,” he said. “I would ask the authority to look at rectifying this situation as soon as possible.” A written reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer (SEE) outlined that works are unlikely unless money becomes available to the authority. “Clare County Council does not have any plans to extend public lighting along the L-6168-0 – the side road up by the Church,” the response said. “If a funding source should become available then public lighting may be installed.” The response prompted Councillor Ian Lynch to ask officials to provide estimates on the cost of street …

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