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Tag Archives: Ukrainian refugees

Residents Voice Concerns Over Refugee Influx In Inch

THE lack of transport, a public footpath, recreational and other facilities near a hotel in Inch make it unsuitable to accommodate  asylum-seekers, local residents have claimed. A variety of concerns were raised with Clare County Council officials at a meeting with residents from Inch and Kilmaley on Tuesday morning following the arrival of 34 international protection applicants on Monday night. The refugees were greeted with what locals say was a “peaceful protest” on approach roads leading to Magowna House on Monday night. Residents vented their frustration during the meeting in the council chamber with the Department of Integration over the lack of any consultation with them before the international protection applicants were accommodated in three self-catering cottages. Householders claimed the Magowna House Hotel and complex is not a suitable place for refugees as “there is nothing for them to do” during the day in the absence of any public transport. Council chief executive officer, Pat Dowling pledged the council would …

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‘Attempts will be made’ to resource schools helping refugees

EDUCATION Minister Norma Foley has said that attempts will be made to provide Clare schools with the resources they need to accommodate the large amount of refugees who have arrived in the county since the start of 2022. Concerns have been voiced by Ms Foley’s party colleague Cathal Crowe about a shortage of school places in Shannon, and the Minister said in Ennis last Friday, that attempts must be made to match accommodation with where schools have extra capacity. “I want to acknowledge in the first instance the incredible work that has been done by schools throughout the country, notably here in Clare. “It’s nothing short of remarkable, what has been achieved by school communities. We’ve been very lucky in one respect that we’ve had capacity to provide places for almost 14,000 students. Notwithstanding that, we still have more students coming, we have capacity for around 50,000 places at primary level and around 20,000 places at post primary. “The challenge …

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Services for refugees in Clare ‘have exceeded capacity’ – TD

ANCILLARY services to support the influx of Ukrainian refugees have exceeded their capacity to adequately respond in the county to the current humanitarian crisis, a local Dáil Deputy has claimed. Apart from accommodation, which is at capacity, Deputy Cathal Crowe told a Joint Policing Committee meeting on Monday that other services for Ukrainians have exceeded capacity. “We were right to have our arms open and welcome people from Ukraine and we should continue to do so. “But there is no shame in a county or country saying we have reached capacity in terms of the level of care we can provide. “A roof over someone’s head is just one aspect of care, education and healthcare are other aspects,” the Meelic TD told the committee. “I have a pregnant woman who contacted my office who can’t get GP care. When she has a baby, she will most likely have to present herself to the Emergency Department. “While accommodation is going well …

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Contracts worth €6.36m for Clare hotels to house Ukrainians

SEVEN County Clare accommodation providers signed Government contracts with a cumulative estimated value of €6.36m to accommodate Ukrainian refugees in the second quarter of this year That is according to recently released contract details by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Clare has become home to one of the highest populations of Ukrainians per capita in the country and the figures provided by the Dept of Integration show that one Lisdoonvarna-based firm, The Hydro Hotel Ltd which operates the Hydro Hotel entered a contract worth €1.53m with the Dept. Another hotel firm, Windward Management Ltd operating the Park Inn hotel entered a contract worth €955,000 while a third firm, Atlantic Hotel Management Ltd operating Lahinch Lodge entered a contract worth €329,400 to house Ukrainian refugees. The figures also show that Kilkee Town Ltd operating the Kilkee Bay Hotel entered a contract worth €1.52m while the Cliffs of Moher Hotel Ltd which operates the Cliffs of Moher hotel …

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Appeal for more support in responding to Clare’s refugees

“MORE boots on the ground” are being sought to support Ukrainian refugees and the communities welcoming them to Clare.  The appeal came from Councillor Joe Garrihy, who said he is “immensely proud” of the response of communities in Clare. The Lisdoonvarna man, who has been helping to spearhead relief efforts in North Clare, made his call in response to an update from Chief Executive Pat Dowling.  “We have gone from a national high of 750 to between 100 and 150 per day,”” Mr Dowling said. “Most definitely, the numbers have softened somewhat.” In response to an update request from Mary Howard, Mr Dowling said that there are an estimated 2,200 Ukrainian nationals now in Clare. “We had some additional arrivals over the weekend,” he said. “These were small enough numbers. Those that were accommodation in Quin Road have been now relocated to Rowan Tree building, The Abbey Hostel. That Quin Road emergency facility remains available and we have another facility …

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Minister Humphreys Lauds North Clare Welcome For Ukrainian Refugees

  A GOVERNMENT minister has lauded the reception provided by community groups and organisations to help the integration of an estimated 800 Ukrainian refugees in North Clare. Speaking outside the Lisdoonvarna Pavilion, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys pointed out the influx of Ukrainian refugees from their war-torn country had doubled the population of Lisdoonvarna. The Fine Gael Minister said there has been a “wonderful effort” by numerous community groups in North Clare, which has ensured Ukrainian refugees have been provided with a very warm welcome as they settle into their new surroundings. “There has been a wonderful effort across the board in Lisdoonvarna and I think it is very important to recognise that. “We are going to try and help them find jobs and match them with employers. There are a lot of job offers coming in. But we are not rushing anyone into work, we want to get them settled into this country first.” Asked would …

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Ukrainian ambassador on Clare visit hears appeal for end to war

Ukrainian refugees in Lisdoonvarna have implored the country’s ambassador to Ireland to send a message out to world leaders to stop the conflict now. Larysa Gerasko, the Ukrainian ambassador to Ireland was in Lisdoonvarna on Saturday and met many of the 500 refugees, who have been living in the village for the past number of weeks. In total there are nearly 1000 Ukrainian people living in North and West Clare. Marcus White, owner of the Hydro hotel, said that there were emotional scenes, as the Ukrainian people, along with members of the local community met the ambassador at the Pavilion theatre. “They delivered a strong message to Ms Gerasko, which was to call on world leaders to bring in a ceasefire and stop the senseless conflict now, before any more men, women and children from either side lose their lives.” he said. “Our message is not only addressed to Europe but to all world leaders in the countries, like India, …

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