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Tag Archives: Tristan Casson-Rennie

Funding boost for FASD in Ennis

ENNIS-based FASD Ireland, the country’s first national hub to support individuals, families and carers living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), is to be awarded €200,000 in funding. The announcement was made by Minister for Disability Anne Rabbitte (FF) in the Dáil recently. Minister Rabbitte said, “Approximately €200,000 in funding will be awarded to the FASD Ireland in Clare for the national hub. I commend the work it has done in putting in place the telephone line and supporting families when there is such a deficit in Departments and the HSE in terms of taking on the mantle of providing support. I compliment the team in Clare on what it is doing. I am very supportive of it.” Welcoming the announcement, CEO of FASD Ireland, Tristan Casson-Rennie, said, “I am delighted that Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder has been discussed in detail in Dáil Éireann. FASD Ireland has some key asks of Government, importantly that FASD is recognised as a disability …

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