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Tag Archives: Tracey Doyle

Scariff duo commended at Foróige national conference

A MOTHER and daughter volunteer duo from Scariff attended national Foróige’s 50th Volunteer Conference and were commended by the Minister for Children.  Tracey and Jane Doyle are long-time volunteers with Scariff Foróige and, at the Tullamore Court Hotel in County Offaly, last weekend, they also met keynote speaker, David Coleman. The popular broadcaster and author is a leading clinical psychologist and spoke about communication strategies for reaching teenagers. Tracey and Jane flew the Clare flag, alongside 120 delegates from 16 counties at the annual Foróige Volunteer Conference.  “Foróige volunteers have helped create communities that are vital to our society. The value of the contributions that are made by these volunteers cannot be overstated,” said Minister Roderic O’Gorman. “Not only does volunteerism positively impact our communities but it can provide people with a sense of purpose, improving their own wellbeing, enhancing their empathy and allowing them to connect with young people in their communities. Foróige has to be commended for the innovative …

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