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Tag Archives: Templeglantine

Assessing your forestry value

The IFA’s new Forest Assessor service is to be outlined to farmers from the Mid-West at a special demonstration in Templeglantine next Tuesday night. Forest Assessor is a new service offered by IFA that independently analyses forests so that farmers know the value of their forest before going to the market. IFA Farm Forestry chairman, Michael Fleming said, “Forest Assessor uses the most up-to-date technology to measure plots within the forest and then produces a report for farmers showing expected harvest volumes. The report provides a detailed breakdown of timber products as well as the potential value of the timber, based on the latest timber market report. “Knowing the value of your timber before you harvest gives you more power when negotiating with potential buyers”, said Mr. Fleming. “The more knowledge you have on your forest, the more opportunity there is to capture value and maximise your return while protecting the long-term productivity of the forest”. A local farmer who …

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