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Tag Archives: Stephen Donnelly

New review could pave the way to restored Emergency Department at Ennis Hospital

A Government review is to be carried out to determine if a second Emergency Department (ED) is required for the Mid-West region, a facility that will most likely be located in Ennis, if created. Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly (FF), this morning announced the review in the wake of a number of serious incidents at UHL, including the death of Clare teenage Aoife Johnston, and ongoing pressures at the ED at University Hospital Limerick (UHL). In a statement, Minister Donnelly said that the decision to close emergency departments in Ennis and other areas 15 years ago was “based on the very clear clinical advice at the time”. “The aim was to minimise the risk of a patient presenting at the Emergency Department whose time critical needs exceeded the capacity of the hospital, and specialties needed, to treat them. We also know that important services, including intensive care units, require a certain throughput so that clinicians can maintain their skills,” he …

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Ennis Acute Medical Assessment Unit to become 24 hour a day service

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly (FF) has announced a range of new measures aimed at alleviating overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick including opening the Acute Medical Assessment Unit in Ennis on 24 hour a day basis. Minister Donnelly visited University Hospital Limerick (UHL) today where he met with management, including Regional Executive Officer Sandra Broderick, the Health Service Executive (HSE) CEO Bernard Gloster, as well as consultants and other clinical leaders. UHL has consistently the highest number of people waiting on trollies for admittance to a hospital bed in the country. In 2024 to date, 17% of those who waited on trollies did so at UHL, a hospital which has 6% of Emergency Department attendances, and 6% of attendances of those over 75 years. “This continued problem is not acceptable to me as Minister, and it most certainly is not acceptable to the people of this region,” said Minister Donnelly. “In an effort to alleviate the problem I have …

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Brennans’ pride at Laura legacy as catch-up programme launched

THE parents of the late Laura Brennan have spoken of their pride at the impact of her campaigning and of the comfort they receive from knowing how many lives will be saved through a vaccination programme named in her memory. They were speaking as Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly announced the opening of the HSE’s online registration portal for the Laura Brennan HPV (human papilloma virus) Vaccination Catch-Up Programme. Eligible people can register on www.hpv.ie for an appointment for a free vaccine which will be administered through HSE vaccination clinics and schools. The programme is supported by Bernie and Larry Brennan, parents of the late Laura Brennan who campaigned for higher uptake of the HPV vaccine before her death from cervical cancer in 2019, aged 26. Free HPV vaccines will be offered to all boys and girls in second-level education who were previously eligible to receive the vaccine and who have not yet received it.  It is also open to young women up to …

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Quin man gets vaccination date after speaking out on ‘queue jumping’

A QUIN man, who has terminal cancer, is to receive his Covid-19 vaccination on Friday and has urged the government do all it can to avoid any repeat of the Beacon Hospital row. John Wall spoke out on the national airwaves over the weekend, following revelations that left-over vaccine doses were administered by the private hospital to some of the staff of a fee-paying school in Wicklow. “I didn’t expect the item to get the time or traction that it did on the Saturday show with Katie Hannon,” said Mr Wall who has stage four prostate cancer. “To be able to put questions and react to the comments of a junior minister was a real, real bonus in terms of highlighting the frustration and anger of those who in Cohort 4 and in 4A, who are really seriously ill, and who cannot get clarity on when or where they will get a vaccine.” Mr Wall said the Beacon story left …

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Health Minister addresses Shannon out of hours cover

MINISTER for Health Stephen Donnelly wrote to Clare TD Violet Anne Wynne recently, regarding the future of out of hours medical care in Shannon. The Minister advised Ms Donnelly that while the local Shannondoc facility will not be opening in the near future, doctors may still come to Shannon to help patients. In his letter Minister Donnelly stated, “The HSE have advised that the Shannondoc contingency plan in response to Covid-19 is an interim plan in the current pandemic environment. “Within the proposed contingency plan, while GPs may not be stationed in the Shannon treatment centre, they will be available to treat patients in Shannon, if and when required. Following triage, the GP will, as deemed clinically appropriate, come and see the patient in the treatment centre, carry out a home visit or, arrange a virtual consultation. “The Shannondoc Covid-19 contingency plan facilitates where there are increased demands in certain areas, support can be provided from other treatment centres to …

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Health insurance companies must eliminate small print – Conway

THOUSANDS of Clare patients have been urged to seek clarity on what their private health insurance documentation covers before signing up for another year. Senator Martin Conway has urged the health insurance industry to eliminate small print from all their documentation in order to ensure all customers are fully aware of what they are covered for. The Fine Gael Spokesperson on Health in the Seanad said it is not acceptable that people only discover that they have either partial cover or no cover at all when they are in need of a medical procedure. “This is adding to the stress and anxiety that people are facing during what is a traumatic and difficult period in their lives. “The last thing that somebody facing medical treatment should be anxious about is whether their health insurance will cover them or not. They deserve to know that information and not have to find it out when the cover is needed. “I also believe …

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Warning over cancer ‘pandemic’ if vital services are curtailed

THE government is being warned that more people will die from delayed and missed cancer diagnoses, than from Covid-19, unless funding for oncology treatment and screening is properly supported over the course of the pandemic. Medical card campaigner John Wall, who himself has Stage IV cancer, was reacting to a briefing from The Department of Health outlining reduced services, as well as major increase in waiting lists. “Obviously, the pandemic is absolutely catastrophic,” he said. “But, the fact is that more people are dying every day of the week from cancer than from Covid-19. Covid cases must be dealt with in conjunction with oncology services. There is no doubt but that those delivering health services are doing their very best, but the reality is that people are already going undiagnosed and cancers are being missed, and that before you factor in the impact of Covid-19. I see, every day, the issues that people are having when they don’t get a …

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