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Tag Archives: small and medium enterprises

Budget Must Reduce Tax Burden And Support Enterprise – Eddie Punch

  Independent Ireland Clare General Election candidate Eddie Punch has called for a budget demonstrating commitment and support for farmers and small and medium enterprises recognising that people need to keep more of their own hard-earned money. “The budget must tackle wasteful expenditure. It is incredible that total government expenditure for 2025 is projected to be €105 billion, up from €67 billion in 2019. The tax take is now too high on the coping classes – people who get up early, work hard and pay for everything. These are also the people who are now struggling with the cost of living crises, mortgage and rent affordability and child care.” “I believe that childcare should be an allowable expense against income tax. I believe that income taxes need to be reduced for ordinary people working in low to middle income jobs. People such as Gardai, nurses, construction workers, factory workers. “That’s why I believe there should be a minimum 1% reduction …

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