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Tag Archives: Shannon River Crossing

Traffic in Clare town expected to drop 40% once bypass opens

VEHICULAR traffic using the historic bridge linking Killaloe and Ballina will drop by an estimated 40% once the new Shannon River Crossing and Killaloe bypass are fully operational. That according to the analysis supporting the construction of the new Killaloe bypass, which is contained in the draft Killaloe and Ballina Town Enhancement and Mobility Plan (TEMP). The TEMP aims to promote sustainable travel, provide infrastructure for pedestrian and cyclists, as well as reducing the dominance of cars within both towns and provide further opportunities to reduce vehicular usage of Killaloe Bridge. Until the bypass and new bridge are open, no changes are proposed to the existing bridge. However, once the bypass and new bridge are operational, it is proposed to implement the new arrangement for the old bridge. Apart from bus and emergency vehicles, the old bridge will be closed to traffic every weekday between 10am and 5pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 6pm. Removing a large …

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Council progress €69 million Shannon River Crossing

Clare County Council is making significant progress delivering the €69 million Shannon River Crossing project. The estimated cost of the project totals €69 million, which includes construction, land acquisition, design, supervision, risk, contingency and archaeology. It is expected the new Shannon River Crossing, Killaloe By-Pass and upgrade of the Ballina to Birdhill R494 regional road will take up to three years to construct and could start next summer if everything goes to plan. Out of 110 affected property owners, two homes were acquired under the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process which will have to be demolished. One of these is in Clarisford while the other one is at the Ogonnelloe end of the Scheme. The council concluded a deal with these two property owners at an early stage – one built a new dwelling in the locality and the other home owner has moved out of the area. In an interview with the Clare Champion, senior engineer, Seán Lenihan said …

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Council progresses €69 million Shannon River Crossing Project

Clare County Council is making significant progress delivering the Shannon River Crossing project, which will be on of the biggest infrastructural project in South-East Clare. The estimated cost of the project totals €69 million, which includes construction, land acquisition, design, supervision, risk, contingency and archaeology. It is expected the new Shannon River Crossing, Killaloe By-Pass and upgrade of the Ballina to Birdhill R494 regional road will take up to three years to construct and could start next summer if everything goes to plan. Out of 110 affected property owners, two homes were acquired under the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process, which will have to be demolished. One of these is in Clarisford while the other one is at the Ogonnelloe end of the scheme. The council concluded a deal with these two property owners at an early stage – one built a new dwelling in the locality and the other home owner has moved out of the area. In an …

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