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Tag Archives: Shannon Municipal District

O’Gorman takes over the chain

FIANNA Fáil’s Patrick O’Gorman was elected as Cathaoirleach of the Shannon Municipal District on Tuesday. Speaking after his election the Cratloe man said he had told the meeting he was pleased to be the new Cathaoirleach. “I said it was a huge honour to be elected as the Cathaoirleach for the coming year,” he said. “I thanked David Griffin and Tony Mulcahy for proposing and seconding me, David proposed me and Tony seconded me. I spoke a bit about Pat McMahon, Gerry Flynn and PJ Ryan. Pat and Gerry retired and I was very sorry to see PJ losing his seat, he’s a friend and neighbour. “I committed to serving the people of the whole MD for the coming year and I look forward to working closely with my fellow councillors in getting projects delivered. I believe a positive approach is the best approach for achieving success and I look forward to working with Aidan, who is our director of …

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Shannon residents barking mad over talking dog litter signs

RESIDENTS of a Shannon neighbourhood are crying ‘foul’ at being kept awake at night by ‘talking’ signs urging dog owners to clean up after their pets. A meeting of the Shannon Municipal District heard that there are “sleepless nights in Drumgeely” with residents disturbed by the signs which were installed to help prevent dog litter on the streets. The signs play pre-recorded messages reminding dog walkers to obey the law when it comes to dog litter, however according to Councillor Gerry Flynn the message is being heard late into the night in the homes of residents. He told the meeting that he has been contacted by people living in the area about the issue saying, “This is a very settled community with older people living there, people can’t sleep at night.” He continued, “It’s a disgrace these signs have been put in an inappropriate place next to the pioneers that made Shannon.” Tom Mellett, senior executive engineer stated that the …

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TII asked to point the way to leading Shannon attraction

SHANNON councillors are urging Transport Infrastructure Ireland to make a move in the right direction and erect road signage that would show people the way to the Shannon Aviation Museum and Educational Centre. Councillor PJ Ryan, speaking at a meeting of the Shannon Municipal District, pointed to the growing popularity of the attraction as he called on the council to request TII to erect the signage on the N18/M18 and N19. He said that museum acts as both a tourist attraction and a place of education with colleges and schools visiting the centre to introduce young people to aviation. “Shannon has had a lot of firsts in aviation and the public like to be able to relate to that,” he said adding, “we need to be able to direct people towards it.” Anne O’Sullivan, senior executive engineer, told the meeting that Councillor Ryan’s request has been forwarded to TII for consideration and response. Councillor Ryan stated, “Hopefully there will be …

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Action! Councillor calls for positive video showcasing Shannon

A SHANNON councillor is calling for ‘Action’ in promoting the positives of the town. Councillor Donna McGettigan has proposed that the Shannon Municipal District create a video showcasing Shannon and involving community volunteer groups, drone and photo footage. “Our town has some beautiful spots such as the loop and pump track for people to come to visit,” she said at a meeting of the Shannon Municipal District. The councillor stated, “A lot of time people tend to focus on the negative, but we need to focus on the positives.” She pointed out that Shannon has a number of community groups “who help make our town what it is” including Tidy Towns and Meals on Wheels who could be featured in the video. She added that Shannon is also home to sporting world champions who could also make an appearance in the video “and talk about growing up in Shannon.” She said the video would be a means of “showing Shannon …

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Newmarket-on-Fergus next in line for masterplan

THE development of a masterplan for Newmarket-on-Fergus is “vital” in preparing for the future growth of the village a meeting of councillors has heard. Clare County Council Senior Planner Helen Quinn has confirmed that the village is the next recommended location for a masterplan exercise within the Shannon Municipal District. Councillor Pat McMahon told a meeting of the municipal district that he has received “a large number of enquiries from individuals, various organisations and voluntary bodies” about the need for a masterplan for Newmarket-on-Fergus. He pointed to the upgrade of the waste water treatment plant, which it is envisaged will allow for the growth of the village including additional housing. “It is vital that parallel to this is a masterplan to plan for the future,” he said. Ms Quinn, senior planner, responded to the motion, “As members are aware a Town Centre First Masterplan is currently underway for Sixmilebridge. “The locations and programming of further town centre first masterplanning excercises …

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Improved parking coming after issues with illegal encampments

GRAVE concerns among the local community in Shannon visiting Illaunmanagh cemetery were highlighted at a meeting of councillors where it was confirmed plans are underway for a new footpath and improved car parking. Councillor Gerry Flynn, at a meeting of the Shannon Municipal District, highlighted “big entourages” of vehicles attending services at the crematorium parking in spaces provided for the graveyard. Illegal encampments have led to the closing of the parking area near the main entrance, he added saying this is “causing a massive inconvenience”. While sight lines when exiting on to Slí na Mara, “a very busy road, is causing safety issues”. Responding to the motion, Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer Shannon Municipal District stated, “Shannon Municipal District will be installing a new footpath and improved public car parking area in the Illaunmanagh area. “The works include the installation of new drainage infrastructure, kerbing, a new macadam footpath, a new car parking area and improving the entrance to the …

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New Shannon MD chair has his eye on infrastructure

COUNCILLOR Michael Begley is the new Cathaoirleach of the Shannon Municipal District, having been elected unopposed at Tuesday afternoon’s AGM. Sinn Féin’s Donna McGettigan was elected as Leas Cathaoirleach, also unopposed. After taking the Chair, Councillor Begley said that he hopes the Clonlara flood relief scheme will conclude in October or November, while he said he was looking forward to Town & Village renewal schemes being progressed in Drumgeely and Clonlara. He said that the Shannon Flood Defence scheme should not “be let fall through the cracks”, while he said the upgrade of the N19 is also important, particularly as the need for Shannon Airport to be used more extensively grows apparent. Councillor Begley said that while he wouldn’t be wishing misfortune on Dublin Airport, that people in Clare “won’t shed any tears if there are further problems”. He said he was glad to see the Shannon Masterplan being progressed, and that hopefully the One Shannon Hub will go through …

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Council close in on site for potential Shannon civic centre

CLARE County Council is close to taking over a site at Shannon, where a civic building could be installed, this week’s meeting of Municipal District councillors heard. Giving an update to members, Director of Service Liam Conneally said that work is continuing on Shannon’s application for Urban Regeneration Development Funding. He also said that the Council is in the process of concluding the lease on the relevant site, and then it will come under the local authority’s control. The recently launched Shannon Town Centre Masterplan has a plan for something called the One Shannon Hub, which would have multiple uses, including relocated County Council offices, a ‘greenhouse’ which would be a space for a variety of uses such as co-working, education, and training, exhibitions, meeting rooms and conference opportunities. The building would also have a performing arts venue. Mr Conneally said a lot of work has been done on the brief and the proposed size of the building for the …

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