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Tag Archives: Senator Gerard Craughwell

Coast Guard pressed to explain rationale of Doolin sackings

THE national Coast Guard has been called upon by an independent senator to explain why it sacked ten people who remained in the Doolin Coast Guard Unit. Speaking at a meeting organised by the Irish Coast Guard Volunteer Representative Association (ICGVRA) in the Bellbridge Hotel on Saturday, Senator Gerard Craughwell said the rationale will either stand or fall based on the Coast Guard’s explanation. He said the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport could investigate why private and confidential information provided by Doolin members during previous meetings with outside consultants was given to independent mediator, Kieran Mulvey. The senator advised members to apply on an individual basis to the Information Commissioner asking how this information was passed on and if there was a breach of GDPR. “If there has been a breach of GDPR, then everything that stems from this breach is no longer valid. The GDPR issue is one that only the Information Commissioner can answer. There are questions that …

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HSA asked to probe claim late Caitriona’s lifejacket was faulty

AN INDEPENDENT Senator has written to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) requesting a full investigation into claims that a life jacket used by a Doolin Coast Guard volunteer may have been faulty before she tragically lost her life six years ago. Mother-of-two Caitríona Lucas (41) had offered to help out the neighbouring Coast Guard unit from Kilkee in the search for a missing man, but she died after its rigid inflatable boat (RIB) capsized in a shallow surf zone on September 12, 2016. Two other crew members on board the RIB, who were also thrown into the sea, survived. Speaking to the Clare Champion, Senator Gerard Craughwell confirmed he has written a letter to the HSA to advise them life jackets provided to Coast Guard volunteers in late 2014 and early 2015 were tested in a number of stations around the country, which allegedly failed in all tests. He has also asked the Comptroller and Auditor General to examine …

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Pressure on minister to probe Doolin Coast Guard ban

PRESSURE is growing on Transport Minister Eamon Ryan to conduct an independent investigation into the reasons that resulted in the suspension of Doolin Coast Guard amid claims of “severe bullying and harassment” in the service, writes Dan Danaher. Doolin Coast Guard can no longer provide marine cover and medical assistance to casualties that get into difficulty in inaccessible locations from South Galway to Doonbeg after it was controversially stood down. Minister Ryan has been warned by Senator Martin Conway that “lives are being put at risk” over the “unacceptable decision” to stand down the unit, despite the expertise and experience of 12 remaining members. There has already been an emergency callout in the area, on Wednesday night, when the rescue helicopter 115 was tasked to a search in the north Clare area. That search resumed Thursday with the Kilkee unit tasked to assist. https://twitter.com/markcarney123/status/1456048709742080004?s=20 It emerged this week that six volunteers at Doolin have resigned including the unit’s Officer in …

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