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Tag Archives: Road repair

Forestry leaving Clare rural roads like ‘moonscapes’

DAMAGE caused by forestry extraction to roads in West Clare has been compared to a “moonscape”, by one member of the local authority.  Councillor Cillian Murphy was speaking in support of a motion from the Cathaoirleach at the May meeting of Clare County Council. The chairperson, Councillor PJ Ryan called for the enactment of a bye-law holding timber harvesting benefactors responsible for any damaged to public roads during extraction operations. “Most councillors will have come across this,” he said. “The issue is very prominent in West, East and South East Clare. When the roads are damaged, it’s virtually impossible to get any kind of contribution. “These roads were never designed for these kinds of trucks. Some were only designed for a horse and cart. When the road gets damaged, it’s back to the local authority and it’s a huge drawn on our roads funding schemes. Residents are up in arms. They are asking why those taking out timber ore not …

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