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Tag Archives: Orla Hannon

Sixmilebridge woman represents Ireland on Down Syndrome Day

By Dan Danaher A young Sixmilebridge woman wowed MEPs with an “impressive” power presentation with the need to create employment for adults with Down Syndrome. Orla Hannon (27), who is chairperson of Down Syndrome Ireland and represented Ireland in the European Parliament, in Brussels for World Down Syndrome Day on Friday. Fine Gael MEP, Jim Higgins praised Ms Hannon for her “impressive” presentation to members of the European parliament, which highlighted the need to create employment opportunities so that adults with Down Syndrome can take their place in society. Friday, marks the nineth anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day, which has been incredibly successful in creating global awareness about Down Syndrome and also of the contribution made by people with Down Syndrome to our society. The Fine Gael MEP said that it was an absolute honour to meet Orla and her mother Marian Hannon. “At just 27 years Orla is a very young and inspirational leader. She wowed MEPs by …

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