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Oireachtas members

Politicians accept patience wearing thin on pyrite

THERE was a large attendance of Oireachtas members and councillors at the recent pyrite protest in Ennis when politicians were warned that their seats...

Pyrite protestors send warning to Clare politicians

THE heat has been turned up considerably on Clare’s politicians over the level of support for homeowners affected by pyrite. As the Department of...

Plea not to allow block blame distract from main purpose

“LIGHT touch regulation” has been blamed for the crisis caused by defective concrete blocks in several counties including Clare.  At a meeting of the Clare...

Call for unity in redress pursuit

THE first in-person meeting of the Clare Pyrite Action Group heard a heart-felt call for members to tell their stories publicly, and to prepare...

Politicians hear of homeowners’ heartache

“STRESS, strain and mental anguish” were among the words used by Clare’s Sinn Fein member to describe the situation faced by the owners of...

Fear about state jiggery pokery on scheme delay

Council says that it has received no correspondence from Department of Housing GOVERNMENT officials have been accused of “playing a little bit of jiggery pokery”...

Drop party politics and keep focus on justice, meeting told

TENSIONS flared between some of the county’s Oireachtas members at a public meeting with members of the Clare Pyrite Action Group last Friday night. There...
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