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Tag Archives: Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR)

Regulator highlights a number of breaches in Clare’s county development plan

FAR-REACHING adjustments to the forthcoming development plan for Clare have been recommended by the State’s planning watchdog. After examining the draft plan for 2023-2029, the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) has told the Council it is in breach of a number of national and regional guidelines. The regulator has made a total of 13 recommendations and eight observations on draft. The proposed settlement strategy, whereby population and growth targets are allocated across the county, is the focus of the greatest concern for the OPR. Five recommendations and one observation have been made on this aspect of the document. In its submission, seen by The Champion, the OPR has identified “a number of concerns regarding the amount of residential land zoned in certain towns”. This, it says, is “risking the ability to deliver housing that is well located and served by services and amenities”. The regulator has warned that “significant adjustments” will be needed to ensure the plan is fully …

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Clare councillors to ‘clear the air’ with planning regulator

THE REGULATOR of planning, Niall Cussen, is to address councillors, amid ongoing concerns over the impact of regional and national strategies on rural Clare. A motion inviting the CEO of the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) was tabled by Councillor PJ Kelly. The Lissycasey man, a long-time advocate for rural development, was described by Councillor Gerry Flynn as “our own expert in terms of planning”. Outlining the motion, Councillor Kelly noted Mr Cussen’s close connections to Clare. “Planning law is very complex and we now have to deal with the OPR’s views and other regulatory guidelines,” he said. Describing the issues that have arisen, particularly in relation to the growth of rural Clare, during the drafting of the Development Plan for 2023-2029, the Fianna Fáil member remarked, “Many questions have been asked, but not answered.” The motion was seconded by Councillor Clare Colleran Molloy, who described moves to invite Mr Cussen as “very positive”. Referring to a response to …

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