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Tag Archives: Niall Maloney

“I loved the airport, loved my job and I’d do it all again’

NIALL has left the building. After 41 years at Shannon Airport, many of them as its operations director, Niall Maloney has now retired. Always hugely enthusiastic about his work and the success of Shannon, this week he said he had really enjoyed his career. “It has been a wonderful experience. Would I want to do it again? I’d absolutely do it again. I loved the airport, loved my job, but I knew it was time to move on. It’s about energy, about new thought processes. I really wish Niall Kerins well as the new director.” Shannon airport has been at the heart of the Maloney family, with Niall’s father working there before him, having been headhunted by Dr Brendan O’Regan in the early 1950s. Niall’s own career started there in the early 1980s. “I was very fortunate that I got a temporary job in the airport in 1981. I thought I was going to be there for six months but …

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Niall Maloney to depart from Shannon Airport after 41 years

AFTER 41 years of service to Shannon Airport, most recently as Operations Director, Niall Maloney will soon be departing. Mr Maloney is set to be succeeded as Director by Niall Kearns, who will lead the airport’s Operations and Commercial team. Being Operations Director at Shannon involved responding to countless challenges and in a previous interview with the Clare Champion Mr Maloney said, “In our business there are challenges every day. Some of them are quite minor, some of them are a bit more detailed and you have to treat each passenger’s needs on a case by case basis. “You have people who have died, you have people who are going to a wedding, people who have left a passport behind, people who have lost a set of keys, people who don’t know the country at all and want some help and service. “You’ve a whole myriad of various issues, some of them quite serious, some of them less than serious, …

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Surprise for ‘young gardaí in Shannon

Two new garda recruits got quite a surprise when they inspected Shannon Airport’s VIP room today (Tuesday). Gardaí Jordan Perez and Ceejay McArdle a duo with their own heroic stories, got an insight into how it’s possible to meet just about anyone – including their hero, Munster and Ireland rugby star CJ Stander at the airport. Ceejay (4), from Castleblaney, County Monaghan and Jordan (8), from Sixmilebridge, were deployed to Shannon to assist in security checks for the day and when they checked the VIP room they found the internatinal rugby player. The special security officers were detailed to the airport as part of an ongoing community initiative by the Garda Relations Bureau (GRB). Ceejay, who is undergoing intense treatment for leukaemia, last year became an Garda Siochana’ s youngest ever member and this weekend Jordan, who is wheelchair bound with muscular dystrophy, joined him on the very special beat courtesy of Chief Superintendent John Kerin and Superintendent Brendan McDonagh. …

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