Former Minister of State Finian McGrath has been accused of not doing enough to provide day services for adults with disabilities during the Covid-19 lockdown. Councillor Ann Norton said Minister McGrath was still being paid as a minister of state during this period when it seemed as if he “disappeared off the planet”. The Clare Crusaders’ Clinic manager outlined her phone is “hopping” with calls from frustrated parents of adults and children with disabilities. The HSE stated recently that a national group representative of service users and families, providers and HSE are working together to prepare for the resumption of day service supports in line with Covid-19 guidance. Commenting on this plan, she described the lack of proper communication with parents of adults with disabilities during the lockdown as unacceptable. Councillor Norton stressed Minister McGrath should have done more to fast-track action to provide day services for people with disabilities during this period. “Finian McGrath has been a huge disappointment …
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