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Tag Archives: Love Shannon

Fundraising concert for Ukraine in Shannon

A concert to raise funds for the people of Ukraine will be held in Shannon on Wednesday night (March 9), writes Owen Ryan. Cuppa Tea TV (which is run by Damian O’Rourke), the Love Shannon Community Council and Shannon Leisure Centre all came together to organise the event. “We have Luka Bloom, David Hope, the Shannon Gospel Choir. There’ll be a good few from Youth in Music singing at it, and a lot of other locals, there’ll probably be 15 or 16 playing on the night,” said Damian. The proceeds are all for the Irish Red Cross and explaining how it would work, Damian said, “It’s donations on the door, anyone can come along and throw in whatever they want into the bucket. We’re working on a GoFundMe link, so anyone who can’t make it on the night can make donations through that.” Karl Fogarty, manager of Shannon Leisure Centre, was the person who got the ball rolling on the …

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Shannon anger over failure to accept €10m offer

FRUSTRATION has been voiced in Shannon after it emerged that Clare County Council turned down an offer from the private sector valued at €10 million to develop the so called Venue facility in the town. While it is Clare’s second largest town and is home to much of the county’s industry, there is a strong feeling in Shannon that it does not have the level of facilities it should have. Development of The Venue, which would have been a multifunctional civic and arts space in the centre of the town, was being pursued by a local non-profit group for a number of years to help redress the local facilities deficit. At a public meeting last week organised by the Love Shannon Community Council there was much frustration that the €10 million offer, from unnamed private sources, did not come to pass, apparently because the County Council would have been left with an ongoing €250,000 bill for its running. It is …

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Love Shannon extends deadline for feedback on its plan

THE Love Shannon Community Council have extended the deadline for feedback on its Shannon Community Development Plan, which can still be viewed online. The Plan has numerous suggestions for Shannon, including one for improving awareness of the level of facilities available locally. “58% of the respondents to the Shannon Community Development Survey proposed the need for a multipurpose community hall or centre for Shanon. LSCC analysed this proposal in detail and noted that a range of community centres and halls exist in Shannon, each providing opportunities for community based activities. There is a risk that people are unaware of the range of facilities, of the activities that may be taking place in each and/or how individuals and groups might access these facilities for community purposes. It proposed that “Love Shannon Community Council will develop an online resource, informing the population of Shannon of the range of community halls/centres available in the community and outlining the activities currently offered in each …

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Great Shannon community response to crisis

THERE has been a very good response to the Covid-19 crisis locally, according to Niamh O’Callaghan of the Love Shannon group. One of the few problems she identified is a tendency for young people to still come together, breaching the social distancing requirements. “Kids need to do a lot more, but that’s probably the same in every town in the country. We need to find something for kids to do, they’re bored off their heads. In this weather computer games aren’t necessarily going to kids. It isn’t kids in primary school but young teens, they’re hanging around together and they were causing quite a nuisance in the nighttime,” she said. However most people have done what has been required in the battle to limit the spread of the deadly disease. “In general it has been amazing and the place has been dead. Really, really dead.” Niamh said there have been street parties in certain areas, but with the residents staying …

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