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Tag Archives: June Bank Holiday

Council CEO calls for ‘champions’ in battle against Covid-19

CHAMPIONS are needed in every family and parish across the county in order to win the battle against the coronavirus, according to the CEO of Clare County Council. Making an appeal to the public to continue to stick to government guidelines and to avoid complacency, as Ireland sets out on the road to re-opening, Pat Dowling also thanked the public for their efforts to-date. “We are very grateful for all of the sacrifices everyone has made,” he said. “We understand that there can be slippage and fatigue, but we must continue to comply, and to adapt in order to survive. We have to persevere in order to prevail. We have civil leadership from all of our agencies who continue to collaborate, and who are used to working together for the greater good. What we need now is deeper leadership and people who are willing to be champions of the cause in every family and in every parish, because we must …

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Road safety appeal to motorcyclists

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána are appealing to motorcycle riders to ‘Bike Safe’ as the risk to riders’ safety is set to increase over the summer months. An examination of forensic collision investigation files published in 2016 by the RSA found that almost a third of motorcyclists involved in fatal collisions between 2008 and 2012 had consumed alcohol and that bikers speeding was a factor is almost half of all motorcyclist deaths. While the majority of motorcycle riders are absolutely aware of their vulnerability when biking, some may not be so safety conscious. Younger riders on powerful machines need to appreciate the risk they face and take all necessary precautions to ensure their safety. The RSA study also found that half of the 80 motorcyclists deemed culpable for the collision were aged between 25 and 34 years old. The message from the RSA and gardaí to these bikers is to never drink drive. You simply cannot …

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Garda ‘bank holiday enforcement campaign’

An Garda Síochána has issued an appeal to all road users to take extra care when using the roads over the June Bank Holiday period. “There will be an increase in traffic, as many will be travelling to different parts of the country. The school holidays will also be commencing for secondary school children, so we appeal to all motorists / motorcyclists to slow down, always wear their seatbelts, wear the appropriate safety clothing at all times, be well rested and never ever drink and drive,” said a Garda spokesperson. The spokesperson added, “We are anxious to ensure anyone using a vehicle is aware of our Bank Holiday Enforcement Campaign. Garda resources will be deployed with the aim of increasing compliance amongst road users and improving overall road safety. Motorists are advised that inappropriate speed, Drink driving, seatbelts and faulty tyres are the greatest contributory factors to road deaths and serious injuries. “Over the June Bank holiday period, many people will set out to …

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Keep Clare beaches looking good

Clare County Council is urging visitors to Clare’s beaches this June Bank Holiday Weekend to take responsibility for their rubbish by bringing it home with them. The Council has employed additional resources to deal with the increase in litter that has resulted from the rise in visitor numbers to beaches such as Kilkee, Lahinch and Spanish Point. The local authority says it is also installing additional refuse facilities at Clare’s Blue Flags in an effort to minimise littering while litter wardens have been deployed to monitor littering activity. “Our beach is a fantastic resource for the wider community and it’s up to us all to ensure that we take home what we bring to the beach”, said Cyril Feeney, area engineer with with th council. He added, “The council wishes to acknowledge those who have used the public bins to dispose of their litter. These bins are emptied regularly each day but often reach their capacity due to the unprecedented …

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Be careful at Clare beaches

With forecasts of continued dry and warm weather over the coming days and June Bank Holiday Weekend, members of the public are being urged to be extra vigilant when participating in water-based activities. The good weather has seen a significant increase in the number of people taking to Clare’s waterways on leisure crafts and boats, as well as to the water at bathing locations throughout the County. Claire McGrath, Water Safety Development Officer with Clare County Council, is asking people to swim only in lifeguarded areas denoted by the lifeguard flags – red over yellow flags. She said, “I would urge members of the public to observe notices on any beach or where they want to swim, and to observe the lifeguard’s rules and regulations regarding off limit swimming locations. Anyone who sees a water user in difficulty should summon help immediately. Children should be supervised at all times when near water, while people should also be wary of the …

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Ease up on the accelerator

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and the gardaí have appealed to drivers, in the run up to the June Bank Holiday weekend to save lives by going easy on the accelerator. The organisations have asked drivers not only to reduce speed but to always drive at a speed appropriate to all the prevailing conditions. Over 70,000 speeding offences have already been detected in 2015. Nearly 80% of those detections were for speeds between 10 and 29 km/h over the posted speed limit. A further 10% were in excess of 30 km/h over the posted speed limit. Figures show that the June Bank Holiday has consistently been the starting point for what is traditionally the most dangerous period on Ireland’s roads – summertime. In the last five years, 256 people have died in June, July and August. Over the next three months it is possible therefore that 51 lives could be lost in crashes on the nation’s roads. Minister for Transport …

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