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Tag Archives: Jim Murry

2024: A Celtic music Odyssey

The Irish are a travelling people, and wherever we go, we take pieces of our culture and our way of life with us. This is something that exists deep within our blood, in our cultural DNA, and something that we share with all of our Celtic ancestors. Clare musicians Tara Breen and Pádraig Rynne have teamed up with virtuoso Cork guitarist, Jim Murry to explore this very Celtic connection in their debut album Odyssey. The album, which was released last week, features tunes collected by the trio throughout their long and well-travelled musical careers. It features tunes from diverse locations, thousands of miles apart, places that, on the surface, are very different from each other. What unites them is the Celtic and then the Irish willingness to travel, and to bring the tradition with them everywhere they go. “We picked up a lot of the music [we play] on our travels,” said Pádraig. “On the album we have a track …

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