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Tag Archives: Irish Deer Commission

Deer cull figures revealed

DEER cull figures for Clare have been released, amid ongoing concerns over a rapid increase in their numbers in rural parts of the county. Data secured by the Irish Deer Commission show that 1,844 deer were officially culled in Clare in a 12-month period to February 2022. The true figure, the Commission believes, is likely to be higher when deer poaching and road kills are included.  “The actual deer cull is likely to be significantly higher as the cull total does not include wild deer killed illegally known as deer poaching, nor does the total include the growing number of deer killed on our roads,” Damien Hannigan a spokesperson for the Irish Deer Commission said. “Over the last five years over 200,000 wild deer were culled in Ireland under licence from the National Parks and Wildlife Service [NPWS] and highlights the important role licensed deer hunters play in managing deer at sustainable levels to minimise negative impacts on farming, forestry, …

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Motorists warned as love-struck deer set to hit the road

A WARNING has been issued to motorists, particularly those in East Clare, as the deer breeding season gets underway. The Irish Deer Commission has likened the behaviour of stags, at this time, to “gladiators entering an arena”. Roads close to forested areas in the Killaloe Municipal District can be especially dangerous and the area is regarded as one of Clare’s ‘deer hotspots’. With that in mind, The Irish Commission is appealing to motorists and other road users to be vigilant. “Tensions are rising as the rutting or deer breeding season gets under way, the time of the year when male deer are driven by an urge to reproduce,” a statement from the Commission said. “From late September until early November, the clash of antlers will be heard as males show off their virility to potential mates and, like gladiators entering an arena, they parade around showing off their armoury of antlers. “While the rut is an amazing experience to witness …

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