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Tag Archives: greenway

Hidden gem discovered on the road not taken

THE UPGRADING of an East Clare route into a new greenway could become a major tourist attraction, according to a local historian. Ger Madden believes there are few roads in the Sliabh Aughties as worthy of being kept in repair as the old road from Mountshannon to Flagmount linking Lough Derg and Lough Graney, which was built in 1841. Unfortunately, it is probably one of the worst roads in the country. Describing this as the “road less travelled” and a real “gem”, Mr Madden believes it should be developed into a greenway at a fraction of the millions of Euro being spent on developing other similar developments in the county. “It is a vital link if tourism is ever going to be developed in the Sliabh Aughties. It is a mystery in this age of greenways why it is so neglected,” he said. “This road and an off shoot to Woodford through the nearly deserted village of Derrygoolin has the …

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West Clare Greenway moves a step closer

HE creation of a world class Greenway along the route of the old West Clare Railway, expected to bring positive benefits to the entire county, has moved a step further with the appointment of consultants for the first section of the project. Clare County Council has announced the appointment of Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers to progress the options, route selection, design and assessment phases of the first section of the Greenway between Kilrush and Kilkee via Moyasta.  Much of the land along the old rail-line is in private ownership, and Clare County Council’s Senior Engineer, Seán Lenihan acknowledges that the project has its challenges, with success dependent on co-operation and collaboration between all parties involved. He assured that the council is committed to working with all affected parties, and the council are due to begin engagement with landowners, the public and community groups in the coming weeks. The creation of a world class Greenway from Ennis to Kilkee, connecting towns and …

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Big steps taken in South-East Clare greenway project

PROGRESS with a greenway project for South and East Clare has prompted optimism that the development will have a transformative effect on tourism in the region, in the near future. Deputy Michael McNamara has learned that Waterways Ireland, who secured €140,000 last July, is to go to tender for a feasibility study and preliminary design works next week. Contractors for the study and design on the 41km route, which will start from the existing greenway to the University of Limerick (UL), crossing the River Shannon over the Black Bridge and following the old Errina Canal to O’Brien’s Bridge and onwards to Scariff, are expected to be appointed before Christmas. “Both reports should be complete by the end of the first quarter of 2021,” the Independent TD told The Champion. “Because so much of the land along the route is in the ownership of the ESB, I would hope that issues that are affecting the development of greenways in Kerry and …

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Greenway will result in ‘huge opportunity’ for the county

A “huge opportunity” to boost visitor numbers to Ennis with the plans for a Greenway from the county capital to West Clare has been highlighted by local councillors, with calls being made on landowners to get behind the proposal. Ennis councillors Johnny Flynn, Ann Norton and Pat Daly alongside Councillor Alan O’Callaghan, at a meeting of Clare County Council, sought an update on the likely completion dates for sections of the previously commenced portion of the West Clare Greenway from Ennis to Lahinch. The councillors pointed out that there has been “significant increased Government funding announced for Greenways.” Councillor Flynn outlined that the plans had been proposed back in 2006 as he sought clarification on the progression of the Greenway from Ennis outwards. Councillor Norton stated, “After this length of time why hasn’t our Greenway come about? We hear so much about what others in other counties have to offer.” She continued, “it would be fantastic if we had another …

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