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Tag Archives: Green Atlantic

Call for county masterplan in advance of Moneypoint energy hub

A MASTERPLAN is needed to prepare for the ambitious Green energy hub to be developed by the ESB at Moneypoint, according to a member of the Council’s Economic Development committee. Addressing the January meeting of the local authority, Councillor Johnny Flynn called for advance plans to facilitate the ESB’s multibillion euro Green Atlantic hub, and to address what he described as the “huge impacts” on the county’s road networks, its service and population growth.   “As a member of the economic SPC. I think that as a county, we need to do a master plan on how to deal with the impact on our services of what the ESB are proposing at Moneypoint and also offshore,” he said. “There’s going to be huge impacts on our road network. There’s going to be significant impacts on our services delivery, whether it’s water, sewerage, and population growth.” The Fine Gael member said a recent presentation by the ESB to the SPC had …

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New investor sought after “devastating” blow To Moneypoint plan

THE ESB and the government are being urged to seek another investment partner for the proposed €2 billion windfarm off the Clare coast following the “devastating” withdrawal of Norwegian firm Equinor. Clare Dáil Deputies Cathal Crowe and Violet-Anne Wynne have expressed different views on the impact of this setback for a major element of Moneypoint’s €5 billion Green Atlantic initiative. Deputy Wynne believes the future of the offshore windfarm project is called into question. “Are other foreign investment partners going to be similarly off put by Ireland’s excessive bureaucracy in terms of planning and regulation?,” she asked. While Deputy Crowe accepts it is very disappointing that Equinor have withdrawn from their partnership with the ESB to develop the offshore Green Atlantic windfarm, he thinks the project can still very much proceed. Deputy Crowe is calling on the ESB and the government to immediately put their heads together and find a replacement partner. Equinor has pulled out of the Irish market, …

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Work to start on €50m Moneypoint synchronous compensator

    WORK on the construction of a new €50 million Synchronous Compensator will begin in Moneypoint Generating Station last this month as part of the ESB’s multi-billion Euro Green Atlantic development. The new compensator will be the first in the country and will incorporate the world’s largest flywheel used for grid stability. Due to the intermittency of wind energy, grid stabilisation technologies have an increasingly important role in a successful energy transition. The synchronous compensator will enable the management of the transmission system safely and securely with a reduced dispatch of fossil fuel plant under constraints and reduced costs of transmission operations. In a statement issued to the Clare Champion, the ESB stated is pleased to bring forward the Moneypoint Synchronous Compensator with flywheel as a cost effective and zero carbon solution in strengthening the stability and resilience of the Irish grid. An ESB spokeswoman confirmed manufacturing of the main electrical and mechanical components commenced earlier this year, works …

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Key Elements of €5 Billion Green Atlantic

THERE are four key elements to the multi-billion Euro Green Atlantic initiative announced by the ESB, which will result in the creation of a renewable energy hub in Moneypoint Power Station. The first part is renewable enablement. Work has already started on transforming Moneypoint into a green energy hub, breaking ground on a new €50m Sustainable System Support facility in the coming weeks. This new plant will provide a range of electrical services to the electricity grid which would previously have been supplied by thermal fired power stations. Its operation will enable higher volumes of renewables on the system. The second element is the creation of a floating off-shore wind farm of 1,400MW off the coast of Counties Clare and Kerry, which will be developed in two phases by ESB and joint venture partners, Equinor, a world leader in floating offshore wind technology. Once complete, the wind farm will be capable of powering more than 1.6m homes in Ireland. Subject …

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ESB Announces New Multi-Billion Euro Green Energy Hub At Moneypoint

  A new floating offshore wind farm of 1,400MW will be developed off the coast of Clare as part of a multi-billion Euro transformation of Moneypoint Power Station into a green energy renewables hub, the ESB has announced. The ESB has already commenced work on transforming Moneypoint into a green energy hub, breaking ground on a new €50 million Sustainable System Support facility in the coming weeks. This Synchronous Compensator will be the largest of its kind in the world. The new plant will provide a range of electrical services to the electricity grid, which would previously have been supplied by thermal fired power stations. Its operation will enable higher volumes of renewables on the system. The transformation of the Moneypoint site will allow a range of renewable technologies to be deployed over the next decade with the capacity to power 1.6 million homes. In line with the Government’s ambition of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, ESB has stated …

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