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Tag Archives: FI

Developers offer assurances over Clare village homes plan

DEVELOPERS behind plans for a major new housing estate in Tuamgraney have moved to allay concerns raised by the Council and the local community.  Michael Pearl, who submitted plans in April for 52 homes on a site on the Dock Road, has provided the local authority with a 210-page document in response to a Further Information (FI) request. The response, which includes detailed environmental and ecological reports, is now on public display, with a further submissions period open until November 29.  After plans for six four-bedroom detached houses; 22 three-bedroom, semi-detached houses; 14 two-bedroom semi-detached houses; and ten two-bedroom semi-detached bungalows were submitted in spring, six objections were made. On consideration of these submissions, as well as details of the application, planners asked, in June, for FI on several aspects of the development.  Planners raised concerns over the width and general condition of the L41341 which serves the site, as well as the existing footpath network and sight-lines at the …

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Developer rejects concerns over ‘piecemeal’ housing in Tulla

DEVELOPERS looking to build 36 new homes on a high-profile site in Tulla have moved to address concerns raised by planners over “piecemeal development”.  In May, Woodhaven Developments lodged plans for the estate on a prominent greenfield site, close to Glebe House on Church Road. During the public consultation phase, four submissions were made. These expressed concerns over the proposed boundary of the estate, as well as potential pedestrian access onto lands belonging to a third party.  On foot of these submissions, as well as separate concerns of their own, planners requested Further Information (FI) from Woodhaven. They sought more details on the proposed connectivity between the site and the town’s Main Street. Planners expressed concerns that the proposed development might not comply with site zoning. While the site is zoned for residential development, there is a specific site objective that connectivity is created into the town centre. The FI request also asked Woodhaven to “satisfactorily demonstrate ownership of all …

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