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Tag Archives: Family Court

Judge tells Clare man ‘sell a cow or go to jail’

A judge has told a cattle dealer €6,700 in arrears on his child maintenance payments to “sell a cow or go to jail”, writes Gordon Deegan. At the Family Law Court, Judge Mary Larkin issued the ultimatum to the father of the two children at the centre of the arrears dispute. The man told Judge Larkin that he has fallen into arrears on his child maintenance payments of €100 a week as he can’t afford the payments. Judge Larkin said that the court order was made in 2019 concerning the €100 per week. The dealer explained: “Back then, I was buying a lot more cattle – with this online I only have half the work and farmers are doing the sales at home themselves over the phone.” Judge Larkin told him: “You have got to pay up – borrow money or sell stock.” Judge Larkin stated: “Sell a cow or go to jail…The issue is that you’re not doing what …

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