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Tag Archives: Ennis 2040

Protestors let their feet do the talking at Save Ennis Town rally

HUNDREDS of people opposed to controversial plans to build on two carparks in Ennis gathered in the heart of the town last Saturday to voice their objection. A crowd of more than 200 people came together in the historic O’Connell Square for the rally calling for an end to the Ennis 2040 proposals for the carparks. Among those to speak out was Ennis resident and retired teacher Joan Duggan, who last October had presented a petition against the plans to Clare County Council signed by more than 3,700 people. She told those gathered that the only motive of those against the proposals is “to save your town for the future generation.” The Abbey Street carpark plans involve the development of retail and office space with the Ennis 2040 DAC (Designated Activity Company) saying the proposed project will create jobs and attract shoppers. They predict an estimated 100 permanent jobs to be created once the development is complete, alongside 200 jobs …

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Health benefits worth €7m from Post Office Field boardwalk

THE proposed development of Ennis’ Post Office Field could result in health benefits to the county capital worth an estimated €7 million over the next 30 years an analysis undertaken on behalf of Ennis 2040 has found. Meanwhile an environmental consultant guiding the plans has insisted the planned boardwalk can bring people into the town centre habitat “while preserving its integrity” with “minimal disruption” to the site. A Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) undertaken by AECOM for the Ennis 2040 DAC assessed the impact of Active Travel Benefits of the proposed elevated boardwalk over the Post Office Field. Other findings included the project would result in €2.2m journey times savings to and from the north and south of the River Fergus over the next three decades. Public consultation on the plans is continuing with Ennis 2040 saying they are committed to a ‘Building with Nature’ approach ensuring sustainable and environmentally friendly construction practices. Clare County Council, in collaboration with Ennis 2040 …

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Rates relief for Ennis traders?

ENNIS ratepayers are facing an “inordinate burden” due to increased valuation on properties while ongoing roadworks disrupt many businesses in the town centre the Mayor of Ennis has said. Speaking at a recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District, Councillor Pat Daly (FF) commented that for many ratepayers in Ennis, “They are finding it very difficult and business is way down”. At the meeting he sought advice on “how best to postpone the inordinate burden on Ennis rate payers arising from the recent increase on valuation of properties, pending the completion of the current works taking place in the town.” However he was informed that there is no mechanism in the absence of Ministerial approval for the waiving of all or part of the annual rates in any part of County Clare for upgrade and or development works. Trina Rynne, Financial Accountant, Finance and Support Services,with Clare County Council told the meeting that in 2023 the National Revaluation programme, managed …

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Labour candidate promises to shake up of Ennis 2040 board

ENNIS 2040, particularly plans for the transformation of the Abbey Street Carpark, look set to be a hot topic among candidates ahead of this year’s local elections. Labour’s Seamus Ryan has added his voice to opposition to the Ennis 2040 plans saying he has “serious concerns about the democratic accountability” of the DAC’s board. Meanwhile, Green Party candidate Bridget Ginnity is raising questions over the economic viability of the proposed Abbey Street development, saying the most important economic issues have not been assessed. Mr Ryan insists while there is no question over the personal integrity of the individuals nominated to the board, “We cannot accept that there is democratic accountability as the councillors elected to represent us, only make up one third of board members while the other six individuals are appointed outsiders and senior council staff. This two thirds, one third lopsidedness does not give the people elected to make our decisions on this board any real say.” He …

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Post Office Field development public engagement events announced

DATES for public engagement events on Ennis 2040 plans for the development of the Post Office Field have been announced. Clare County Council together with Ennis 2040 DAC is inviting residents and stakeholders in Ennis to come along to public drop-in events as part of the Post Office Field development public consultation. According to a spokesperson for Ennis 2040 the dates have been scheduled “to allow members of the public to view the plans that are in development and meet in person with the project team.” The public engagement drop-in events are taking place at the Civic Room, Waterpark Campus, Drumbiggle Road, Ennis (Eircode V95 RR72) on: Wednesday, April 24 from 6pm to 8pm; and Thursday, April 25 from 5pm to 7pm. The proposed development will consist of an elevated boardwalk designed around river biodiversity, habitat and wildlife.  The boardwalk will also provide connectivity and spectacular views of the town’s historic heritage and create a new destination for people to meet …

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Council grilled on €10 million load to Ennis 2040

Clare County Council has been asked for answers to a number of questions in relation to its approval in June 2021 of a €10 million loan for Ennis 2040, with the council confirming a total of €2.2m has so far been advanced to Ennis 2040 to fund the work programme underway. At the March meeting of the local authority, Councillor Tom O’Callaghan (FF) called for a discussion to be allowed in relation to the council’s approval of a loan for €10 million. The details he requested were to include the cost of the loan and it’s duration, the schedule of loan repayments by the DAC, the list of assets owned by DAC currently, as well as the purpose of loans and if the council has guaranteed all liabilities. He also questioned whether the council is financially liable in any event of unfortunate financial misadventure. Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling, said he was concerned about the public focus …

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Ennis 2040 developments to have “far-reaching positive effects”

ENNIS 2040 developments are predicted to create over 200 long term jobs and result in €3.5 million of new economic activity in the Clare economy annually. The Ennis 2040 DAC, in collaboration with Clare County Council, has released details of an Economic Impact Assessment examining the transformative potential of a proposed €48 million investment in four strategic town centre sites – Abbey Street Car Park, Harvey’s Quay, Post Office Field, and a brownfield site on Francis Street. The economic impact analysis was undertaken by AECOM and according to Kevin Corrigan, COO, Ennis 2040 DAC the study, “showcases the tremendous potential and wide-ranging benefits” of the proposed developments with “far reaching positive effects” for the town and county. The construction phase is projected to create 526 short term jobs, “providing a substantial and immediate boost” to the local job market.  Beyond construction, the completed projects are expected to generate over 200 long term jobs, contributing an additional €3.5 million annually to the Clare economy.  The proposed …

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Fight over Abbey Street Car Park grows increasingly bitter

THE war of words between Ennis 2040 DAC and Save Ennis Town has heated up in recent days with Ennis 2040 DAC responding to claims made by the voluntary group about the Abbey Street Car Park in Ennis. The claims came at the start of an archaeological dig at the car park last week, ahead of controversial plans to develop the area. The Save Ennis Town group had described the re-development plans as “destructive” to the town. The ‘big dig’ as it is being referred to locally, are excavations undertaken by Archaeology and Built Heritage Ltd, under licence, to investigate the ground at the site and obtain archaeological and heritage information. It is hoped the findings will shed light on the archaeological heritage of the site before any proposed development, and will inform the design process of a landmark building. Ennis 2040 Designated Activity Company (DAC), the entity responsible for delivering nine transformational projects for Ennis town, has rejected a …

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