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HomeTagsDysert O'Dea

Dysert O'Dea

Conversations with family

On May 25, 2018, Irish society changed forever. In a move every bit as significant as the Marriage Equality referendum of 2015, 66% of...

O’Dea clan returns to Ennis and Dysert O’Dea for 11th annual gathering

FROM all across the United States members of the O’Dea clan will be in Ennis and Dysert O’Dea this weekend for their 11th annual...

Working with man’s best friends

FOR any dog lover, spending time walking and caring for the animal is a really enjoyable experience and so placement at a dog kennels...

Global O’Deas reunite in Ennis

OVER 170 O’Dea delegates from all over the globe assembled to celebrate the recent ninth International O’Dea Clan Gathering, in Ennis, from July 11...
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