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Tag Archives: Commissioner Drew Harris

Corruption probe ‘tearing lives apart’

A PROBE into the conduct of eight Gardai in the Midwest is “tearing many lives apart”, Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) was told this week. Deputy Cathal Crowe urged the Garda Commissioner, who attended the meeting on Monday (October 18), to engage more effectively on the issue. Deputy Crowe recently raised, in the Dail, the suspension last November of eight Gardaí, as part of an investigation into alleged corruption in public office in Munster. The investigation by the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (NBCI) centres on claims that Gardaí did not pursue enquiries into alleged road traffic offences against a number of individuals. At this week’s JPC meeting, the Meelick TD repeated many of his criticisms of the handling of the investigation. In advance of the meeting, he had tabled a question for Commissioner Drew Harris, asking if the principle of discretion is still part of the training at the Garda College in Templemore. After the Commissioner explained that …

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Clare and Tipperary divisional merger to ramp up in 2022

PROGRESS with the creation of the new Clare-Tipperary Garda Division is expected to accelerate in 2022, according to the Garda Commissioner. Commissioner Drew Harris, outlined how the pandemic has posed challenges for some aspects of the merger process. Despite that, he said the development of the amalgamated division, whose headquarters are in Ennis, will ramp up next year. Outlining the Garda Siochana’s new operating model, Commissioner Harris said policing at divisional level is among the force’s main priorities. “The Division is the unit by which policing is delivered,” Commissioner Harris said. “The model involves more frontline garda, enhanced national and regional support and improved performance.” Commissioner Harris outlined how changes to the force, at regional level, have already been introduced. “Under the new divisional structure, Clare will join Tipperary,” he outlined. “Covid-19 did set the plans somewhat askew, however, the work carried on in the background on administrative and support functions. “In 2022, we will start to move on operational …

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Slow increase in Clare garda numbers alarming, says TD

AN INCREASE of just six in Garda numbers in Clare, over the past decade, has been described by Deputy Cathal Crowe as “alarming”. As Garda Commissioner Drew Harris addressed the Joint Policing Committee meeting this week, Deputy Crowe appealed to him to get more Gardai back onto the streets. The Fianna Fail member was among those to table formal questions to the Commissioner in advance of his visit to Clare. Both he and JPC chairperson, Councillor John Crowe raised the issue of Garda numbers in the county. The Meelick TD’s comments followed a response from the Commissioner in which he outlined changes to the size of the police force at national and divisional level. “There is a truly unique dynamic in Clare, in terms of policing,” Deputy Crowe said. “We are a rural county wedged between two cities. We have the largest urban centre that is not a city. We have an airport and a number of Direct Provision sites, …

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Commissioner apologises for service failure in Clare emergency calls

GARDA Commissioner Drew Harris has apologised after confirming that a total of 22 emergency calls in Clare did not receive an appropriate response in the period of 2019-2020. The vast majority of these calls related to domestic disturbances. At the meeting of the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) this week, the Commissioner reiterated an apology he made nationally after the Policing Authority found that 600 emergency calls nationally were cancelled and not correctly dealt with by the force. The JPC heard that a follow-up procedure was put in place to address the matter and that a new call classification system is being developed. However, Deputy Violet Anne Wynne, who raised a question with the commissioner about the matter, was critical of the missed opportunity to respond appropriately to the brave decision made by those experiencing domestic abuse to seek help. In response to a question from the Sinn Fein TD, which was submitted formally before the meeting, Commissioner Harris outlined that …

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TD: ‘Mini CAB’ needed to deal with Clare’s ‘Pablo Escobars’

Fiona McGarry heard calls at the Clare JPC to tackle people moving up the ladder in drug dealing DRUGS kingpins are living like Pablo Escobar and openly flaunting the proceeds of crime, Clare’s Fianna Fail TD told the Garda Commissioner this week. At the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting, Deputy Cathal Crowe questioned whether the law is too soft and failing to prevent people moving up the ladder from small-time dealers to global gang leaders. Denying the claim that the criminal justice system is not rigorous enough in tackling drugs, Commissioner Harris said there had been a large number of successful operations in Clare over the last year. He said hundreds of thousands of Euros worth of drugs and tens of thousands of Euros in cash had been seized in the county, and he undertook to provide a written report to JPC members. In a written question to the Commissioner, who attended the JPC meeting at the invitation of its …

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