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Tag Archives: Clare PPN

Clare faces an unjust transition, finds ground-breaking Clare PPN report

A unique piece of research carried out by Clare Public Participation Network (Clare PPN) has found that, unless drastic changes are made, some Clare people will be forced to carry a disproportionate amount of the burden of moving to a low emissions society. The report, which will be officially unveiled this coming Monday, is the product of six months of research, public workshops and interviews with local stakeholders across the county. Entitled ‘Fair Clare: Securing Socio-Economic Rights and a Just Transition in Clare’ – the report was jointly authored by Kieran Harrahill and Roisin Greaney of TASC, the Think Tank for Action on Social Change. The report makes 27 specific recommendations for local and national policy makers on how issues can be addressed in ways that tackle both climate action and poverty reduction at the same time. Suggestions include developing a social enterprise incubator in Clare, that the national retrofit schemes no-cost plans should be extended to low and middle …

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One in six Clare houses empty, claims report on social exclusion

A LANDMARK study of poverty and social exclusion in Clare has described as “staggering” the difference between Census figures detailing 10,281 unoccupied dwellings in the county compared to just 53 vacant properties, according to Clare County Council figures. The report cited Census figures showing an overall figure of 58,148 habitable dwellings in Clare. Of these, 47,867 were occupied, 4,912 were unoccupied holiday homes, and a further 5,369 were vacant dwellings. This means that there were 10,281 unoccupied dwellings in the county, giving a total vacancy rate of 17.68% or nearly one in six houses in Clare. Last July, there were just 10 properties for rent on Daft.ie for the entire county. According to Clare County Council, the report stated there are just 53 vacant properties in Clare. The census figures do not include derelict buildings. They relate to dwellings that are in a generally good state and are habitable. The report also outlined there are 4,912 vacant holiday homes in …

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Tributes paid on passing of Tulla’s Cornelia Wahli

THE joy and enthusiasm brought by Swiss native, Cornelia Wahli, to her adopted home in Tulla, was remembered at her funeral mass last Sunday (June 12). A passionate environmentalist, Cornelia came to Ireland as an au pair, bidding farewell to her native Frauenfeld in Thurgau, Switzerland. She lived for a time in Dublin, and later on Tory Island, before moving to Clare and becoming deeply involved in community life and environmental activism. She was a prominent member of The Clare Public Participation Network (PPN) and the instigator of climate initiatives including ‘Operation Deplastification’ and ‘Slim Your Bin’. Cornelia had also made a major submission to the forthcoming Clare County Development Plan. In it, she urged people to work towards an organic and chemical-free Clare over the coming decades. She told The Champion, at the time, that the inspiration for this vision was her granddaughter and other children whom she hoped would grow up in a flourishing environment.  In Tulla, Cornelia …

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‘End the culture of institutionalisation’

THE “catastrophic and emotional impacts” on young disabled people who have been forced to live in nursing homes has been highlighted by Clare campaigners ahead of plans for an online event this December. Clare Leader Forum are hosting ‘Empower’, a concert with a host of special guests, aimed at raising awareness of the need for a “better future for younger people deprived of their liberty in nursing homes.” The free event, which goes live on December 3 at 7pm, will also celebrate International Day of Disabled People. Those taking part will include Anne Rynne, Shannon Sisters, Fionnathan, Ann Marie Flanagan, Paddy Mulcahy, Marie Griffin, the Donnellan Dancers and many more. Ms Flanagan of the Clare Leader Forum explains, “We will be showcasing a number of very talented artists, some disabled themselves and also some local allies. This concert will be a real show of solidarity with young people forced to stay in nursing homes. “Through no fault of their own …

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Local action crucial in climate change battle says Clare activist

BUYING local produce is a great way of cutting emissions, supporting local producers and growing the rural economy, according to a North Clare climate change activist. In an interview with The Clare Champion before she attends a global environment conference in Glasgow this Thursday, Theresa O’Donohue stressed community action is the best approach in the transition away from fossil fuels. However, the Lisdoonvarna environmental campaigner said people also need to become politicised and challenge the system to demand the change that is necessary, as collaboration and participatory democracy are essential tools in the transition process. She cites the example of Moy community farm in North Clare, which cuts down on food miles, provides livelihoods and keeps money in the local area. Market towns and villages, supplied locally, would contribute to a thriving county while cutting emissions. She believes people should set up a Sustainable Energy Community with an SEAI mentor who will help create an energy master plan for your …

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Make A Difference: Four Clare people and their activism stories

We speak to four Clare people about their environmental activism Mélina Sharp Futureproof Clare and Extinction Rebellion I became environmentally active after attending an Extinction Rebellion (XR) information session in Kilrush about three years ago. It was a wake-up call, I felt shock and horror at the threat to humanity from climate breakdown. I feel that everything is connected and has an impact on communities and ecosystems but my main focus now is on stopping fracking. So-called “natural” gas was hailed as a clean transition fuel but the emissions from production and shipping are being overlooked. Taking everything into account, importing fracked gas is almost 50% worse than coal from a climate perspective. Methane is about 87 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Levels in the US alone have risen by a third in the last 10 years due to fracking. I work with international groups and hear first-hand stories of the …

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Funding success for Traveller support initiative

A JOINT application to set up a Traveller support initiative has been successful, Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) has announced. The collaborative application on behalf of CLDC, Clare Women’s Network, Clare Public Participation Network (PPN) and the HSE’s Mid-West Traveller Health Unit has been endorsed by several other community and voluntary organisations around the county. The monies will now be provided by Department of Rural and Community Development’s Pilot Project Community Development Fund. More than 120 projects around the country applied for this funding and the Clare collaborative group are delighted to have been one of only seven successful applications to the one million euro fund. Doirin Graham, CEO of Clare Local Development Company welcomed the news saying that this much needed funding would secure a Traveller specific initiative. “We want to ensure that Travellers are involved at every level of this project and are front and centre in the decision making roles,” she said. “With our organisations’ support we …

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Clare LGBTQ+ move to overcome discrimination

DISCRIMINATION is being experienced by the vast majority of Clare’s LGBTQ+ community, a new survey has found. In research conducted by a number of local agencies, including the Clare Public Participation Network (PPN), as part of the LGBTQ+ Clare project, 70% of those who responded reported facing discrimination because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. An online meeting will take place later this month as a forum for members of the community to share their views and experiences and address a sense of isolation, which a majority of respondents also reported. Another major issue of concern that emerged from the research is the need for social outlets and supports. 80% of respondents said they would like more opportunities to connect with community members. Over half of all respondents did not feel sufficiently connected and supported in their community.  One of those who gave her views to researchers said, “I would love a way to meet other LGBTQ people in Clare and just …

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