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Tag Archives: Clare Deputy Michael McNamara

Michael McNamara, (Ind) is lifted on shoulders on his election at the Clare General Election 2020 count in The Falls Hotel, Ennistymon. He has now won a seat in the European Parliament. Photograph by John Kelly.

McNamara Wins Euro Seat In Ireland South

    Clare Independent Deputy Michael McNamara has made history by becoming the first local MEP in 35 years with an impressive electoral success in Ireland South. The East Clare deputy won the third-highest number of votes after five gruelling days of counting. Going into the final count Deputy McNamara had 87,542 votes ahead of Kathleen Funchion on 82,508, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú on 75,900, Mick Wallace on 73,947 and Grace O’Sullivan, Green Party, 69,197. Following the 20th count, Deputy McNamara 92,871, Ní Mhurchú 92,502 and Funchion 90,070 were elected without reaching the quota. Following the redistribution of Grace O’Sullivan’s votes, Ní Mhurchú confirmed her lead over Wallace, who lost his seat in the European Parliament. Outgoing MEP Sean Kelly (FG) topped the poll in the first count while another MEP Billy Kelleher, (FF) had to wait until the 18th count to be the second candidate to pass the quota. Former IFA President Paddy Lane, Parteen, was elected to the European …

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Elective Surgery Postponed In Ennis Hospital On Wednesday

THE surgical team in Ennis Hospital turned up for work on Wednesday to discover without warning day surgery was cancelled two days after overcrowding reached a new record of 130 patients on trolleys at University Hospital Limerick (UHL). That was the disputed claim made by Deputy Michael McNamara who has also revealed he stopped the transfer of his relative to UHL for medical treatment because she was afraid to go there and was treated elsewhere. However, the UL Hospitals’ Group has stated the decision to postpone elective surgeries in Ennis on Wednesday was communicated to all the Ennis-based theatre staff yesterday evening. The group acknowledged regrettably, the decision was not communicated to one member of the surgical team, who attended, and this matter is being rectified. A number of elective surgeries at Ennis Hospital and other UL Hospitals’ Group sites were postponed today on Wednesday as the group continued to manage a significant level of demand for emergency care as …

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Irish Water would be left ‘over a barrel of sewage’ by site sale

A PLANNED sale by Shannon Airport Group of a 4.9 acre site at the Quin Road Business Park, which includes a pumping station serving housing estates in Ennis, would leave Irish Water “over a barrel of sewage flowing backwards into estates”, Independent TD Michael McNamara has told the Dáil. Deputy McNamara has voiced concerns that private ownership of the infrastructure could negatively effect the provision of a public service to a number of large housing estates in Ennis. This week he asked the government to bring together the relevant bodies involved in a bid to ensure the pumping station, described as a vital piece of public infrastructure, is protected. Speaking in the Dáil this week the Clare TD raised his concerns about the sale to Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath. He outlined, “Shannon Commercial Enterprises, the successor of Shannon Development is selling five acres of land on the Quin Road in Ennis. “In one corner of that …

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Shannon Heritage transfer in balance as funding fears grow

THE long-awaited transfer of Shannon Heritage sites to Clare County Council hangs in the balance after Chief Executive, Pat Dowling told councillors he was informed by two senior government officials a funding package estimated to be €15 million over three years would not be approved. While some councillors who attended a two-hour briefing behind closed doors to the public and media on Wednesday are adamant that no final decision has been taken by the council, this latest bombshell represents a major setback to the proposed transfer. An Taoiseach Micheál Martin gave a vague response about the future of this deal when questioned by Deputy Michael McNamara this week. Speaking in the Dáil on Wednesday, Deputy McNamara recalled the Taoiseach had told him on Tuesday he had met Mr during his recent visit to the Shannon Industrial Estate and the CEO had identified there was a funding gap from the council’s perspective. Deputy McNamara said the Taoiseach also stated, “I have …

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Clare TD – salvage some good from costly windfarm debacle

THE operation of the soon to be decommissioned Derrybrien Wind Farm could be be transferred to a local authority to salvage something from what has become a costly debacle. Deputy Michael McNamara suggested a county council could make a new planning application with the explicit undertaking that any and all profits made from the controversial windfarm go back into protecting the environment of Slieve Aughty. That was one of the suggestions made by the Clare Deputy to salvage some positive dividend for the taxpayer amid claims the total overall loss to the state could be as high as €70 million. Following a lump sum fine of €5 million and a daily fine of €15,000 plus legal costs imposed by the European Court of Justice ruling in November 2019, the Derrybrien Wind Farm may exceed an estimated €18 million depending on when the EU decides Ireland has fully complied with its ruling. The penalties were levied after it found Ireland had …

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Minister: coal burning at Moneypoint could continue past 2025

PLANS to cease burning coal to generate electricity in Moneypoint Power Station in 2025 may be delayed unless renewable sources of energy are delivered quicker than expected. Deputy Michael McNamara recently asked Climate Action and Environment Minister Eamon Ryan to outline the Government’s position regarding the operation of Moneypoint in view of ongoing energy security challenges. Minister Ryan confirmed the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) currently has a programme of actions underway to ensure the security of Ireland’s electricity supply over the coming winters. These actions include: procurement of new, enduring capacity through a number of capacity auctions; procuring additional temporary generation; extending the availability of existing generation capacity; additional use of grid scale batteries; and improved demand-side measures. Margins will remain tight during this coming winter period. “In line with the Government’s policy statement on security of electricity supply published in November 2021, it is appropriate that existing conventional electricity generation capacity, including existing coal, should be retained …

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Clare TD queries delay in opening of Ennis Primary Care Centre

CONCERN has been expressed about the delay in the scheduled time frame when the new multi-million Euro Ennis Primary Care Centre will be fully operational. Deputy Michael McNamara recently asked the Health Minister Stephen Donnelly when the Ennis Primary Healthcare Centre at Station Road Ennis will be fully operational. Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said that HSE Estates has advised that the centre is scheduled to become operational during the third quarter of the year. “The opening of the Station Road centre will be a significant development in the delivery of community-based health services for the people of Ennis and the surrounding area,” Minister Donnelly explained. However, Deputy McNamara is concerned about the latest delay after he was informed by Mid-West Primary Care Manager, Carmel McLaughlin the HSE Estates Department has advised this centre will become operational “in the latter part of 2022”. “The centre is currently being equipped and services will commence operation on a phased basis,” she stated. As …

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Mid-West patient waiting times ‘a national disgrace’

The fact that almost 58,000 people are now waiting for care across hospitals in the Mid-West has been condemned as a “national disgrace” by a local lobby group. The Mid-West Hospital Campaign (MWHC) has claimed removing 24-hour casualty cover from Ennis and Nenagh Hospitals in April 2009 has resulted in 58,774 people waiting for public hospital inpatient/day treatment, GI endoscopies or an outpatient appointment with a consultant throughout the region. New figures released by the HSE confirm that one in every three (33%) approved permanent Hospital Consultant posts in the UL Hospitals’ Group are either vacant or filled on a temporary or agency basis – an all-time high 68 out of 206 approved Consultant posts3 – an increase of 16 posts not filled as needed since November 2020. Outpatient waiting lists at hospitals in the Mid-West region have almost doubled, with a 94% hike since 2015. The number of ‘long waiters’ on the list to be assessed by a consultant …

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