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Tag Archives: Bush

“I loved the airport, loved my job and I’d do it all again’

NIALL has left the building. After 41 years at Shannon Airport, many of them as its operations director, Niall Maloney has now retired. Always hugely enthusiastic about his work and the success of Shannon, this week he said he had really enjoyed his career. “It has been a wonderful experience. Would I want to do it again? I’d absolutely do it again. I loved the airport, loved my job, but I knew it was time to move on. It’s about energy, about new thought processes. I really wish Niall Kerins well as the new director.” Shannon airport has been at the heart of the Maloney family, with Niall’s father working there before him, having been headhunted by Dr Brendan O’Regan in the early 1950s. Niall’s own career started there in the early 1980s. “I was very fortunate that I got a temporary job in the airport in 1981. I thought I was going to be there for six months but …

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