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Tag Archives: AGM

Clare reaffirms dedication to business in the Banner

AT last week’s AGM of Ennis Municipal District, Councillor Clare Colleran Molloy (FF) was elected mayor, an office she is to hold for the third time in ten years. Councillor Antoinette Baker Bashua (FF) was elected deputy mayor. After her election councillor Colleran Molloy paid tribute to her fellow councillors. “Thanks to my colleagues for this nomination, especially for the proposal from my party colleague, newly elected Councillor Antoinette Baker Bashua. I wish to extend congratulations to you all, especially to newly elected Councillors Tommy Guilfoyle and Antoinette Baker Bashua. With Antoinette’s election, I am delighted that we have maintained three female councillors in Ennis,” she said. “To Councillor Tom O’Callaghan, congratulations on being elected for the first time further to your co-option in late 2022 to former councillor Mark Nestor’s seat. “I wish to heartily congratulate councillors Mary Howard and Paul Murphy on your successful return in light of the particular challenges experienced by us. “Finally, may I congratulate …

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Red tape is killing farming says new Clare IFA chairperson

The increase in the volume of red tape and bureaucracy involved to comply with environmental agricultural schemes has been criticised by a new Clare farm leader. Veteran IFA East Clare member, Stephen Walsh was unanimously elected unopposed as the new Clare IFA chairman following the organisation’s annual general meeting in the Woodstock Hotel, Ennis on Monday night. In an interview with The Clare Champion, Mr Walsh warned the form filling that is required for farmers has got a hundred times worse than when former IFA President, John Dillon railed against the bureaucracy farmers had to endure. “Someone is going to have to have a look and find out what is this all about. We have to get professionals now to fill out our forms. There are so much criteria and red tape if we make a mistake it is too serious,” he said. “Farmers have to pay farm planners up front. We were promised money under the ACRES scheme last …

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East Clare’s ‘time to shine’ in tourism stakes

TOURISM operators in East Clare have been urged to get behind the development of a visitor and interpretative centre for Inis Cealtra, by supporting a Part 8 application from Clare County Council. Addressing the AGM of Tourism East Clare last week, Tourism Officer Joan Tarmey said the authority is hopeful of a funding allocation under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) to progress the “landmark tourism project” for the region. “Looking at the long-term objectives for the Inis Cealtra project, one is to conserve it as a really important ecclesiastical site,” Ms Tarmey said. “We also want to expand its attractiveness as a tourism destination. These are the two long-term objectives. It’s massively important for the Killaloe Municipal District and it’s really important in raising the profile of East Clare as an attractive visitor destination. The elected members have really been on board with this. They’ve been really wanting to see this happen for a long time and pushing …

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Hopes of post-lockdown tourism boost for East Clare

ESCAPING crowds and traditional tourist hot spots will be on the minds of many who are looking ahead to the summer season, in the hope of a holiday break and an easing of lockdown restrictions. Fáilte Ireland’s research on consumer sentiment, which reveals a renewed interest in activity-based and outdoor tourism, has provided cause for optimism for tourism operators in East Clare as they look ahead to the 2021 season. Ahead of the AGM of Tourism East Clare, which will take place on Zoom on February 24, Chairperson Arlene White said the most is positive. “Given what Fáilte Ireland has found about what domestic visitors will be looking for this year, we can see that East Clare really matches their needs perfectly,” she told The Champion. “There’s a huge demand for holidays and breaks in rural areas with plenty of water-based and outdoor amenities and activities. Obviously, we have a wealth of opportunities to get active in nature and amenities …

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Pat Hayes is New Killaloe District Cathaoirleach

THE new Cathaoirleach of the Killaloe Municipal District is Fianna Fáil’s Pat Hayes. The Caher-based councillor took over the role from Pat Burke of Whitegate who has held the role for two consecutive terms. Councillor Hayes was nominated on Monday at the AGM of the district by Councillor Alan O’Callaghan and seconded by Councillor Tony O’Brien. Taking over the role, Councillor Hayes thanked Councillor Burke for his work for the last two years. He also outlined his priorities for the year ahead, including furthering projects like the Killaloe Bypass and Inis Cealtra. “We have many plans in the pipeline in this district,” he noted. “What I want to see now is delivery.” Director of Services Ann Haugh thanked Councillor Burke and welcomed Councillor Hayes to his new role. “I have no doubt but that you’ll keep us on our toes,” she said. The new Leas Cathaoirleach of the Killaloe Municipal District is Councillor Joe Cooney of Fine Gael.

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