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HomeBreaking NewsShannon seeks tenders for design of cargo hub

Shannon seeks tenders for design of cargo hub

SHANNON Group have sought tenders for the design of a new cargo hub.

There has already been speculation that Shannon is close to agreeing a deal that would see Amazon open a facility close to the airport, and the new cargo hub could potentially facilitate that.

The cargo hub which tenders are being sought for, would be on a four acre, undeveloped site next to the ASL hangar, along the approach road towards the airport.

Shannon plans to develop a 29,708 square metre distribution facility, with a 3,767 square foot office facility.

Earlier this year Shannon Group refused to comment on the discussions it had with Amazon, but in a statement it drew attention to its cargo plans. “Shannon Group is uniquely positioned in that it has a significant supply of landside/airside development sites suitable for distribution of goods by both air and road. Shannon Group has delivered 1 million sq ft of new and refurbished aviation, office and manufacturing property solutions in the last five years and attracted new tenants such as Jaguar Land Rover, Edward Lifesciences and MeiraGTx to the Shannon Free Zone. Shannon Group’s commercial property company, Shannon Commercial Properties, has just kicked off the next phase of their development strategy for Shannon Free Zone where they propose to develop 140,000 sq ft of new warehousing, distribution, and manufacturing space.”

Securing an investment from Amazon would be a great coup for Shannon at a very difficult time.

Owen Ryan

Owen Ryan has been a journalist with the Clare Champion since 2007, having previously worked with a number of other publications in Limerick, Cork and Galway. His first book will be published in December 2024.

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