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Security for the Older Person

GOOD neighbours are a “vital component” in preventing crime against older people, gardaí in Clare have urged.
“Older persons can feel vulnerable and more fearful of becoming a victim of crime and may be feeling isolated coming into the winter months. Good neighbours are a vital component in crime prevention and helping an older person to feel safer – keeping an eye on their property and calling regularly to make sure everything is ok will do wonders for the person living alone,” said Clare Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Triona Brooks.
She has issued security advice for older people to help them feel safer in their homes.
“Fit a door viewer and a door chain/limiter. Don’t open the door to anyone before you’ve checked who it is and what they want and check identification. Don’t leave strangers into your home and ensure the back door is locked when you answer a call at the front door,” she says.
Front and rear doors and windows should be kept locked day and night, she advises as well as keeping a list of emergency numbers so that they can be accessed quickly if required.
“Number your house clearly so that emergency services can find you quickly if necessary and know your Eircode.”
Sergeant Brooks has also urged anybody who is a victim of elder abuse, or who suspects someone is a victim, to report it. “Unfortunately abuse of the elderly does happen and this falls into a few different categories: physical abuse; psychological abuse; financial abuse; sexual abuse; neglect.
“Everybody has the right to be free from abuse and neglect and if you are a victim of elder abuse or you suspect that someone is being the victim please report it.”

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