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Rotten luck for clubs at Lees Road

A NUMBER of sporting clubs have been left “in limbo” following the closure of pitches at the state-of-the-art Lees Road Sports and Amenity Park in Ennis, which has been blamed on months of poor weather conditions and possible drain damage.

Since last weekend, one of the soccer pitches and a 30m section of the rugby pitch at the €1.3 million facility has been closed due to water logging, with damage to some of the drains suspected. The water logging has resulted in grass rotting on the pitches. Many matches scheduled for Lees Road have been called off over the past couple of months.
Management at Lees Road have stated that keeping the pitches open would “do more damage than good” as they wait for the weather to improve, when an investigation into the cause of the water logging will take place.
Ennis Town Council has confirmed the closures will remain in place until an improvement in the weather and repair works can be undertaken.
John O’Malley, Avenue United coach, said, “There are five clubs using Lees Road from a soccer point of view, ourselves, Ennis Town Rock, Rhine Rovers, Inch Crusaders and Turnpike Rovers. For Avenue, on a given weekend, you could have three teams looking to play and for the last 10 weeks, there has been only one pitch available at Lees Road.
“I appreciate the situation, we have had one of the mildest winters on record but we are in limbo. The last time we played there was in mid-November. The all-weather pitch is still open but is not approved by the league. The green area within the track could be converted into a soccer pitch because it is not being used.”
Gearóid Mannion, Avenue United chairman added, “We appreciate the need to mind the pitches, however, the pitch closures can sometimes come at the last minute and that can seriously inconvenience us in terms of teams travelling from outside the county. I do think the lines of communication could be improved.”
Clare and District Soccer League fixtures secretary, Michael Lydon commented that the pitch closure “makes my job an impossible task when there is only one pitch available”.
“I do understand where the council are coming from but you have to ask are there too many using the field? Hopefully, in a few weeks, the weather will improve and the other pitch will be open,” he said.
Lees Road manager, Tim Forde rejected the idea that there are too many clubs using the facility. “This is a very popular and active facility and we do everything within our ability to ensure it is in tip-top condition,” he said.
Speaking about the match cancellation policy, he stated, “Our ground’s facilities manager inspects the pitches and if he feels they are unplayable he will make a call on that. We do wait as late as we can but we do leave enough time to notify people.”
He pointed out that matches have also been called off by referees.
Ennis Town Council town clerk, Leonard Cleary confirmed over the last few months the extensive rain has caused referees to call off games scheduled and Lees Road facility management made a decision on one weekend to postpone activities.
Lees Road facility management has engaged an agronomist to examine the situation. After close inspection, it is suspected that there may be damage to some of the drains
He added the soccer pitch beside the rugby pitch is suffering similar problems in one of the goalmouths also rendering this pitch unplayable. “Both pitches will remain closed until the weather improves and until repair works can be undertaken. There is no health and safety risk that can be determined,” he concluded.
Opened in 2005 and located just 1km from Ennis Town Centre, Lees Road Sports and Amenity Park is set in 134 acres of wood and parkland. The sporting and recreational facilities are available to all whether as clubs, associations, groups or individuals. The pitches are used for a wide variety of team games and athletics, while there are also a number of  walking trails in the grounds.
He pointed out that matches have also been called off by referees.
Ennis Town Council town clerk, Leonard Cleary confirmed over the last few months the extensive rain has caused referees to call off games scheduled and Lees Road facility management made a decision on one weekend to postpone activities.
Lees Road facility management has engaged an agronomist to examine the situation. After close inspection, it is suspected that there may be damage to some of the drains
He added the soccer pitch beside the rugby pitch is suffering similar problems in one of the goalmouths, also rendering this pitch unplayable. “Both pitches will remain closed until the weather improves and until repair works can be undertaken. There is no health and safety risk that can be determined,” he concluded.
Opened in 2005 and located just 1km from Ennis Town Centre, Lees Road Sports and Amenity Park is set in 134 acres of wood and parkland. The sporting and recreational facilities are available to all whether as clubs, associations, groups or individuals. The pitches are used for a wide variety of team games and athletics, while there are also a number of walking trails in the grounds.


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