As part of their Action Project 2011, second-year CSPE pupils at Kilrush Community School chose the Brothers of Charity in an effort to raise awareness of people with disabilities.
In concentrating on the Brothers of Charity, which has a Kilrush office in Hector Street, the CSPE pupils found that the service provides individual support, ongoing reviews, support in helping people to establish their own home and help in developing social lives and interests.
The pupils found people who avail of the Brothers of Charity sometimes have self-esteem issues and can find themselves isolated, sometimes due to transport or communication issues.
“These people who are legally adults are not allowed to do a lot of things that other people are,” the pupils said in their report.
“This is why we picked this charity so as to help raise awareness of people with disabilities,” the report added.
The pupils found that some who avail of the adults concerned are not allowed to have a key to their own house or cannot hold a bank account of their own.