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HSE proceeds with Covid-19 Assessment Unit

A NEW Clinical Assessment Unit is expected be set up in Shannon Health Centre on Monday, April 13  for Clare patients who are confirmed as Covid-19 positive.

As part of the HSE system wide response to Covid 19, this unit will provided a face-to-face clinical assessment for patients following a GP referral.

The aim of the units is to divert mildly symptomatic patients who require medical assessment away from the acute hospital system by providing a facility in the community in which the patient can be seen, and clinically assessed by a team of nurses, doctors and physiotherapists.

The unit will provide service Monday to Sunday by appointment only from 07.30 to 20.30.

According to the HSE’s COVID-19 Community Assessment Hubs Operational Model, which has been obtained by the Clare Champion, the outcome of the assessment will inform clinical decisions regarding the most appropriate level of care for each patient in the most appropriate environment. Consequently, this will not be a unidirectional, single pathway.

“While the individual patient’s pathway direction will primarily be influenced by the patient’s clinical condition, their environment and the psychosocial circumstances of individual patients and their immediate carers will be strong influencing factors in the decisions regarding their care – particularly the socially vulnerable.

“The potential onward pathways following patient assessment in a Community Assessment Hub include the preferred option – return home with support and advice, placement in a Community Isolation Unit, or transfer to an Acute Hospital,” the document outlined.

The HSE has outlined Ireland has now moved from containment to delay transmission phase and the clinical focus is currently to limit and slow down the spread of the virus through the community to reduce the surge of people requiring healthcare services.

The clinical management of patients with mild symptoms of COVID-19 has now shifted from hospital to home settings.

Dan Danaher

About Dan Danaher

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