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Education is key at Ennis school

FIFTH class pupils of Educate Together National School in Ennis received a highly recommended prize at the Our World Irish Aid Awards presentation ceremony at Dublin Castle recently.

Educate Together National School receiving its Our World Irish Aid award.The Educate Together National School’s project was entitled Education Is Key. They received their award before an audience of 300 pupils and teachers at the ceremony hosted by RTÉ young people’s presenter, Rob Ross.
Some 700 primary schools participated in the national programme this year and the overall winners was Clonburris National School in Clondalkin. Through their participation, pupils explored the day to day challenges faced by children of their own age in other countries. They then created projects using art, drama, essays, poetry, film and music.
Congratulating the pupils, Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power said it is crucial that the children of today are encouraged to look beyond our borders and understand that they have a role to play in making the world a more equitable place.
“I would like to commend all of those pupils who were recognised at today’s awards for the imagination and consideration they brought to their projects. I would also like to thank their teachers for stimulating their interest in the developing world.
“Irish Aid is deeply committed to improving education in the countries where we work. But we also believe it is important to engage the Irish public in the challenges facing communities in the developing world and the improvements that are being achieved, partly through Irish support.”
This is the sixth year of the annual Our World Irish Aid Awards. The programme is designed to encourage young people across Ireland to learn more about the lives of children in developing nations. The core aim of the awards scheme, which is run by Irish Aid, the Government’s overseas aid programme, is to foster a greater understanding of the Millennium Development Goals.


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