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Drugs, cash and designer items seized by Ennis Gardaí

INVESTIGATIONS are ongoing after gardaí seized €15,500 worth of suspected drugs along with cash and designer goods during a search in Ennis over the weekend.

The search was carried out following the arrest by gardaí attached to Ennis Garda Station of a motorist who failed to stop when instructed on Saturday afternoon.

During the follow-up operation, including searches under warrant of a residential property in Ennis, approximately €15,500 worth of suspected cocaine and cannabis were seized, awaiting forensic analysis. Additionally, a sum of cash and a quantity of designer goods were confiscated,” confirmed a garda spokesperson.

The arrested individual, a male in his 20s, was subsequently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a Garda Station in County Clare. He has since been released without charge, and a file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

About Jessica Quinn

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