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Downes at the helm as Naomh Eoin prepare for 40th

NAOMH Eoin will have a new chairman and secretary for 2013 when they will celebrate their 40th anniversary.
At the recent annual general meeting, secretary Michael Boland stepped down after 26 years in the position, while chairman John Bonfil did not seek re-election after eight years in the post. Both were in attendance when the club was formed on January 6, 1974.
Glowing tributes were paid to both who served during the most successful period of the club.
Martin Downes is the new chairman and he will lead the club for its 40th anniversary. Born in the UK, Martin returned some years ago and has been a valued member of the club at officer level and as a player at midfield, a position his son, Conor, fills on the U-16 team.
Current team member Kieran Keating is the new club secretary. He previously filled the posts of treasurer and assistant treasurer.
Outgoing chairman John Bonfil, now vice-chairman, paid tribute to his fellow officers and expressed the wish that all players would come on board as the club celebrates its 40th anniversary.  He paid special tribute to players to continue to return each week to play for the club. He wished those who have been forced to emigrate to seek work, the best of luck.
In his report, outgoing secretary Michael Boland paid tribute to all involved in the working of the club.
Club founder and life president Gabriel Keating paid tribute to both for their work, both as players and officers saying that the club was fortunate to have members who combine the role of officer and player.
Stating the future of the club was in its youth, he said they were fortunate to have a strong underage structure. The amalgamation with O’Curry’s is working well and they will compete in the minor A competition in 2013.
Incoming secretary Kieran Keating welcomed the new draft bylaws regarding isolated players and expressed the hope that they will hold a special event to coincide with The Gathering.
The following officers were elected: life president, Gabriel Keating; president, Sean Keating; vice-president, Very Rev Fr Michael Casey PP; chairman, Martin Downes; vice-chairman, John Bonfil; secretary, Kieran Keating; assistant secretary, Martin Haugh; treasurer, Joseph Bonfil; PRO/county board delegate, Gabriel Keating; youth officers, Gearóid Lynch, Vincent Considine, Declan Keniry; Irish officer, Denise Geaney; lotto co-ordinator, Teresa O’Gorman; registrar, Margaret Considine; delegate to Bord na nÓg, Gerard Tevlin;  underage selectors, Patrick Roche, Michael Liddane, Gearóid Lynch, Patrick Geaney, Shane Callaghan, John Bonfil, Martin Downes; junior selectors, John Liddane, Michael Griffin, Gerard Crotty.
At present, indoor training is taking place at Teach Eoin under the supervision of PE instructor and three-time Sigerson Cup winner with Tralee IT.
Special praise for
U-14s at Ennistymon
MEMBERS of Ennistymon GAA Football Club attended their annual general meeting in December and the reconvened meeting last week. The outgoing chairman, Gerry Reidy, gave a comprehensive report on the performance of Ennistymon GAA football club in 2012 and thanked outgoing officers, management teams and their panels of players, for the commitment and dedication shown throughout the year. He reserved special praise for the work being done at underage level and especially the achievements of the U-14s in capturing county and All-Ireland Féile honours. He acknowledged club supporters for their loyalty and emphasised the solid football platform now established across all teams and said the club should be confident it can build further on this in 2013.
Club treasurer Michael Rock gave a detailed report on the club finances. He stressed the importance of all members’ ongoing dedication to the various channels of funding in place and also acknowledged club sponsors for their continuing support. Michael paid special tribute to Christy McCaw for his enormous input into managing the weekly lotto, which continues to be a core revenue earner for maintaining and improving the facilities.
All team managers delivered reports on the past season. In general, mentors believe the club is developing the right attitude, have strong belief in their capability and now the club needs to progress to the next level and make a greater impact on Clare football.
The following officers were elected for 2013.  patron, Fr Feeney; honorary: life president, Christy Browne; vice-president, Kieran Crowe; chairman, Gerry Reidy; vice-chairman, Brendan Rouine; secretary, Róisín Crotty; assistant secretary, Brian McDonagh; treasurer, Michael Rock; PRO, Shane Talty; county board delegate, Noel Crowe; registrar, Gerry Murphy; youth officer, Conor Fitzgerald; child protection officer, Michael Vaughan; Irish officer, Pádraig Brennan; ASAP officer, Anne Rynne.
The minor club officers for the coming year are: chairman, Gerry Murphy; vice-chairman, Michael Rouine; secretary, James Murphy; assistant secretary, Cathal Crowe; treasurer, Kevin Glynn; youth coaching officer, Conor Fitzgerald; child protection officer, Michael Vaughan; Bord Na nÓg representatives, JJ Crowe and Conor Fitzgerald.
Team management arrangements are currently been completed for the coming year.
Moy prepare for 2013
MOY GAA Club held its annual general meeting at Moy Community Hall recently. The chairman Brian Curtin welcomed all in attendance and acknowledged players, management and all who helped out in the club during 2012.
Secretary John O’Looney outlined the events of 2012, which was a successful year for the club defeating Killimer in the Division 7 League final before losing out by a single point to Kilmurry-Ibrickane in the Junior B Football championship final.
Treasurer Colin Hennessy gave a detailed account of the club’s finances. All outgoing officers were re-elected with one change to the PRO position.
The officers for 2013 are: patron, Rev Canon Mullen; president, Joe Vaughan; vice-president, Thomas Haran; chairman, Brian Curtin; vice-chairman, Junior Finucane; secretary, John O’Looney; assistant secretary, Alan Sexton; treasurer, Colin Hennessy; county board delegate, PJ Sexton; PRO, Frances McNamara.
The management team of Michael Keane, Brendan McMahon, Sean Curtin and trainer Thomas Garrahy is to remain in place for 2013. A field committee was set up comprising Michael Ryan, Tony Hayes, Paddy Vaughan, Thomas Haran and Junior Finucane.
OGONNELLOE GAA Club held its annual meeting in the parish hall last Sunday.
It was the fastest and most efficient AGM in the club’s history. The meeting concluded after one hour, 50 minutes and all officers and mentors from 2012 were returned without hesitation. A total of 25 people attended the meeting and chairman Mike Sheedy urged more people to attend meetings.
Pat Gavin, club secretary, addressed any issue that was raised from his most detailed report on club activities for 2012. Some issues that took some discussion were the ever-rising cost of sliotars now that more and more people are training more often and the quality of the modern sliotar is not as good as in bygone days. It was felt that people need to be more careful when a sliotar goes missing and make sure it is found and returned
Gerry Cosgrove, club treasurer, also gave a very detailed report of the financial situation after 2012 and urged more and more of the younger players who have secured work in the last few years to join the direct debit scheme as a means of playing their part to ensure the survival of the club in the coming years.
Club membership was also discussed and there was a plea from registrar Michael Mooney for all players to be signed up members before competitions begin. March 1 is the closing date for membership.
Club medical officer, Conor Magee made a plea to players to make sure their helmets are all secured correctly to the faceguard as he, as a doctor, has seen a huge increase in the amount of people attending for stitches because of cuts received under the chin from cable ties on the helmet.
It was agreed that Dergfest would continue in 2013 and it would be tailored in a few ways to increase the revenue generated and maybe tighten up the amount of nights involved also. A meeting will take place in the next few weeks to discuss Dergfest 2013.
All club members were given two weeks to submit a nomination to secretary Pat Gavin on who they wanted to be in the running for club person of the year for 2012. Then the chairman, secretary and treasurer will pick the most deserving winner from the list submitted.
Elected officers for 2013 are: president, Fr Donagh O’Meara PP; chairman, Mike Sheedy; vice-chairman, Donal O’Connor; secretary, Pat Gavin; assistant secretary, Dermot Dinan; treasurer, Gerry Cosgrove; assistant treasurer, Ann Orme; PRO, Eoin Sheedy; registrar, Mike Mooney; junior medical, alcohol and Irish officer, Conor Magee; underage coach co-ordinator, Mike Sheedy; youth officer and Bord na nÓg delegate, Ann Orme; county board delegates, Pat Gavin, Dominic Stuart and Seamus Bane; Bord na nÓg meetings, Pat Gavin, Eoin Sheedy and Aidan Kelly.


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