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Demand for developers to finish off estates

THERE are currently 40 unfinished housing estates in Ennis, with the local authority demanding developers “step up to the plate” while insisting it is “not acceptable” to walk away.

Town clerk Leonard Cleary, speaking at a meeting of Ennis Town Council this week, said, “We have taken in charge a number of estates in recent months but there are estates where the developers have just walked away. Ennis Town Council don’t have the resources to come and clean up the mess that has been left.”

He confirmed there are 40 unfinished estates in the county capital, saying the council is “working very hard to put pressure on developers to finish the job and if it’s a case that the developers don’t exist any more, we are working to draw down the bond”.

He was speaking as Councillor Brian Meaney called on the council to intervene “as a matter of urgency and in the interest of public safety” at Cappahard, where almost one-third of lights on the estate are not working.

Responding, Mr Cleary stated that the development is not yet completed satisfactorily and because of this has not been taken in charge by the council.
“Responsibility, therefore, for all aspects of Cappahard, including the public lighting, rests entirely with the

developers. The town council are in constant communication with the developer and every effort is being made by Ennis Town Council in assisting the developer in whatever way possible to ensure that all outstanding items are satisfactorily addressed as soon as possible,” he said.

However, Councillor Meaney insisted council intervention is necessary, arguing that the cost of replacing light bulbs in the estate would cost just €1,000.

Town manager Ger Dollard stated that the cost of €1,000 “is not the issue”. “The issue is who is responsible for the lighting and once the local authority steps in, they will be held responsible forever and a day,” he explained.

Mr Cleary added, “It is the developers who have the responsibility. It is not acceptable to build estates and then walk away. It is unfair leaving the local authority to shoulder the burden.”
He outlined that a team has been tasked to work specifically on dealing with unfinished estates in Ennis.

“The developers need to step up to the plate. Ennis Town Council are more than happy to take on estates, we want to take them in charge but we need to ensure the developers have finished their task as set out in the planning permission. We don’t want to put an additional burden on the people of Ennis,” said Mr Cleary.

Councillor Meaney stated that he did not want the council to take over the estate but that engagement with the developer is needed to ensure the lights are working.

Mr Cleary stated the council would commit to working with the developer to find a solution. “We will make every effort with the developer to appeal to his better nature and see will he do the morally correct thing, as per the planning permission,” he said.


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