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Councillor wants people to know what’s app-ening in Kilrush

KILRUSH Town Councillor Paul Moroney has suggested that a mobile phone app be created to showcase tourism attractions in the town and its hinterland.


“This motion came from the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland (AMAI) conference I was at last September. One of the key speakers was Dr Vincent Kinnane, chief executive of Shannon Development, who talked about this happening in Lough Derg, where it was very successful,” Councillor Moroney explained.

“You can select the app and when you go into the area, it tells you what’s in the area. I think it’s something that we here in Kilrush could really push. If you think of what we have around the place, including Scattery Island, dolphin watching, woodland trails, the Vandeleur Walled Garden, golf courses, Loop Head Lighthouse, the West Clare Railway, cliff walks and pony trekking, it would be a big help,” he added.

Kilrush Town Clerk John Corry said the town already features on a couple of apps. “I spoke with the marketing officer and a couple of other colleagues on this matter. At the moment, Kilrush is currently featured on the Heritage Island app which Kilrush subscribes to every year. The area is also featured on the Shannon Regions Trails app created by Shannon Development’s Trails Office,” Mr Corry said.

While he supported Councillor Moroney’s idea, he warned that the creation and maintenance of an app is expensive.

“At county level, Clare Tourism Forum have been trying to develop an app for the entire county but because of the cost factor, it hasn’t happened as of yet. The maintenance and development of an app comes at a high cost. It’s something that they are continuing to focus on. The cost did turn out to be an impediment,” the town clerk stated.

“I’m quite surprised to hear about the cost of it because I’d one made recently for €1,500. They’re not that expensive. I wonder should we get the Chamber of Commerce on board as well? A lot of towns are doing it,” Councillor Ian Lynch pointed out.

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