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Clare Camogie breaking down barriers

Marie Louise Kaiser was re-elected as secretary and outgoing chairperson Orla Considine at the Clare Camogie annual convention in the Auburn Lodge, Ennis. Photograph  by John Kelly.
The 2012 Clare Camogie convention took place in Ennis on Monday. Sports Editor, Seamus Hayes reports

IN her address to the delegates at this week’s Clare Camogie annual convention at the Auburn Lodge Hotel, Ennis, chairperson Orla Considine said she was delighted and honoured to represent the county board.

“There is no doubt that at times things have been difficult but then nothing worth doing is easy or everybody would be doing it,” she said.

According to Orla, who stepped down as chairperson after five years in the position, “The last number of years have seen clubs develop strong links with each other and with the county board. We have built bridges within ourselves as a result. We have developed that link that was needed with county board, county council and Leader officials. This has been possible because we are strong and we have worked hard. We make our plans and we fulfil our fixtures. This is to the credit of all the clubs and players. It is still not easy out there but if this attitude and professionalism and responsibility remains, we will go far and it will be by working together that this will happen.”

Ms Considine went on, “The link and working relationship that we are fostering with our ladies’ football counterparts is most important. This is of enormous benefit to all our players, as the planning and co-operation has led to a streamlined fixtures schedule within the county. We can only control that and with the help of our fellow officers on the football side, this is in a healthy position and well founded.”

Continuing she told the attendance, “In the past we have been disappointed with and critical of the recognition and support that the sporting female population has received. Clare Camogie is breaking down these barriers. The coverage and time that we have received over the last number of years has made a huge difference to our game and our players. We have a great commodity and the girls we have involved with us are real treasures.

“It is with great pride that I can now say that we will provide for all our girls playing the game the facilities that they deserve. They will in the future have the notice and foreplanning for games that we have never had possible in the past. We will be able to provide for coaching and development and look after the girls in all the ways that we have wanted before. We will get our due reward and recognition as we continue to steer our own course and carry out our duties in a proper and fair manner. Respecting and being proud of our own organisation, while respecting others, is the only way forward.

“All girls should train and compete at their own level. We have tried to lead on this from the county side. Girls will train only with their age group and where they cross over on panels, they will do this for the week of a game,” the outgoing chairperson said before going on to pay tribute to those who served on the various committees.

“We must share all our resources, from administrators, referees, pitches, players, coaches and time. The county will not be found wanting in helping and it is never more important than now that the club and county continue to work together in this.”

Paying tribute to the county senior team, she said their Munster title success will not be forgotten. “The work that has gone into the winning of this has taken the best of the last six years. Many people have had a hand in this but the girls and management of this year have gelled and pulled that work together. This rubs off down the line and with an U-18 Munster title and success at U-15, U-14 and primary level, the future of Clare camogie can be very bright.”

She acknowledged Pat Fitzgerald, Sean Chaplin and Dr Padraig Quinn for their support and encouragement in getting projects off the ground and over the finishing line.

Concluding, she paid tribute to all outgoing officers. “I am confident in the association that I am now handing over. I am confident in the people that I am handing over to and want to pledge my support and confidence to those taking over. It is time for change and change within all groups is good.”


County grounds opening a milestone

“LEADERS were needed over 20 years ago when people with foresight started to plan for the development of Clare Camogie’s own county grounds.

This journey hit a milestone on October 27, 2012 when the official opening of Fr McNamara Park took place,” Clare Camogie secretary, Marie Louise Kaiser stated in a detailed report presented to the annual convention of the Clare organisation.

“Credit has to be given to Orla Considine, Clare Camogie chairperson of the last five years and Michael Maher, treasurer. Beside their usual duties, they worked tirelessly together with the GAA and Clare County Council to secure the grounds, get planning permission, raise funds and secure grants to plan state-of-the-art facilities at the new field. The next few months will see all this hard work coming to fruition.”

“Already this year, county development squads and county teams were able to use the field for training. For 2013, we are hoping to provide the teams with changing facilities and meeting rooms. Hopefully, towards the end of the year, we will be able to use the field for matches,” the secretary went on.

Dealing with county teams, the secretary reported, “At county level we competed in National League Division 1, senior championship and Munster Championship. The senior team played well in the league, won the Munster Championship on a rainy day, accounting for Cork after being given a walkover by Limerick in the semi-final, and ended in the top six in the country in the senior championship.

“Maire McGrath, Niamh O’Dea and Orlaith Duggan received a nomination for a national All-Star award in recognition of their performances during the All-Ireland campaign. While they didn’t receive the ultimate accolade, it is still a big achievement,” the Newmarket club official reported.

“In Munster, the Clare minors captured the Ann Maher Memorial Shield with a win over neighbours Limerick.”
She added, “Clare fielded development squads at U-15, U-14, U-13 and primary level. A huge amount of work and time was provided by many very motivated and skilful trainers.”

The secretary reported, “At club level, the season started at the end of February and concluded in early November. In all age groups, 200 teams were entered and 451 games played. The number of teams entered increased by 50 and matches played by 137. Again this year, clubs were struggling to field at U-18 level especially, resulting in several clubs amalgamating to give their girls the opportunity to play at this level.”

She paid tribute to Kilmaley and Truagh-Clonlara, winners of the county senior and intermediate titles, who went on to win the Munster intermediate and junior championships. She also acknowledged Inagh-Kilnamona, who won the Clare Féile title and went on to win the National Division 2 crown.

“As not every team can win, I would like to think that the girls get enjoyment from the game by participating, noting the individual improvement of their skills and gaining lasting friendships. It’s not all about performance on the field of play, it’s about team spirit, people skills and it’s about enjoying life through sport,” the secretary said.


€5,166 spent on travel expenses

CLARE Camogie had an income of €49,753 during the nine-month period from January 1 to September 30, treasurer, Michael Maher reported to the convention.

During the same period, expenditure amounted to €51,450, which meant a loss of €1,697 for the period under review.
Affiliations brought in €13,000, with gate receipts amounting to €8,111, which did not include income from the county finals, which took place after the books closed for audit at the end of September. Income from games was similar to last year.

Other income figures presented were fundraisers (€8,133), dog night (€2,801) and competition fees raising €2,100.
On the expenditure side, travel expenses for teams and officials amounted to €5,166, while other items of expenditure included team refreshments (€5,899), pitch hire (€3,515), sliotars and training equipment (€1,744), pitch maintenance (€2,960) and gear (€2,810).

Speaking to the delegates, the Kilmaley man told the meeting that Clare Camogie currently has €8,000 in the bank.
He reminded all that a sanding programme will be put in place for the new pitch and stressed this will have to be budgeted for.
Michelle McMahon presented details of the supporters’ club events and reported a balance of €370.52.

Executive members
THE members of the executive for 2013 are: presidents, Kitty McNicholas, Éire Óg and Michael O’Halloran, Corofin; chairperson, Michael O’Regan, Ruan; vice-chairperson, Joe Robbins, Sixmilebridge; secretary, Marie Louise Kaiser, Newmarket; assistant secretary, Mary Hogan, Tulla; treasurer, Michael Maher, Kilmaley; assistant treasurer, Michelle McMahon, Éire Óg and Catherine O’Loughlin, Inagh-Kilnamona; PRO, Bríd McNamara, Ruan; registrar, Eileen Gleeson, Truagh-Clonlara; Munster delegates, Mary McMahon, Éire Óg and Mary Hogan, Tulla; Congress delegates, Mary Hogan and Bridie O’Looney (Newmarket); fixtures committee, Bríd McNamara, Mary Griffey, Pat Minogue, Kieran O’Shea, Pat Loughnane, Denise Brooke, Orla Considine, Noel Madden, together with the chairperson and secretary; finance committee, Michael Maher, Bríd McNamara and Marie McDonnell; field and development committee, Michael Maher, Orla Considine, Michelle McMahon and Catherine O’Loughlin; THDC committee, Mary Hogan, Mary McMahon, Christina Solon, Joe Robbins, Mary Griffey and Paul Collins; referees committee, Mary Hogan, Mary Griffey, Seanie McMahon, Marie Louise Kaiser, Eileen Gleeson and Brenda O’Donoghue; gradings, Alan Hehir, Mary McMahon, Pat Minogue, Mary Dinan, Richard McArthur, Declan Fahy, Caroline O’Connell, together with the chairman and secretary.

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