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New man takes charge in Ennis National School

From an inch to six miles, Tulla man Ray McInerney’s career began at a school with just 29 pupils. He is currently in charge of 375 young learners but next month he takes over at the helm of the county’s largest national school that boasts a roll of almost twice that number.

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Festival celebrates silver jubilee

This will be a milestone year for the Cooley Collins Traditional Music Festival. As well as marking its silver anniversary, one of the festival’s organisers is retiring from the committee after two decades of continuous involvement.

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Senior citizens’ organisation in plea for new members

Tulla’s Senior Citizens and Young Actively Retired Group is a longstanding organisation that has provided social gatherings and outings in the locality for older people, particularly those living alone. However, declining numbers attending events has given rise to a call for fresh ideas and new faces.

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Project Forest launched at St Patrick’s

PROJECT Forest, a programme for transition year pupils, was launched at St Patrick’s Comprehensive School in Shannon this week by RTÉ personality Éanna Ní Lamhna and Minister of State Tony Killeen. The programme is designed to take a broad approach to learning about trees. Its objectives are to create an understanding of the nature of woods and forests, to create an awareness of the role of forests in human existence, to encourage a sense of ownership of the forest environment and to encourage appreciation of wood as a material.

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