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Siemens wins contract for €50m Moneypoint project

THE ESB has awarded the contract for the engineering, procurement and construction of the new €50m Synchronous Compensator in Moneypoint Power Station to Siemens Energy Limited following a competitive tender process. Awarding this contract is seen as the first phase in the ESB’s plans to transform Moneypoint into a new green energy hub, which includes the proposed development of a new windfarm 16 km off the Clare coast. The Synchronous Compensator, which will be the largest of its kind in the world, will provide a range of electrical services to the electricity grid, which would previously have been supplied by thermal fired power stations. It will enable higher volumes of renewables on the system. Responding to Clare Champion queries, the ESB stated Siemens is commencing engagement with contractors in the region to carry out the construction and delivery of the project and work on site will commence soon afterwards. It is estimated these projects require up to 100 personnel during …

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Clare to launch social media campaign against dog litter

THE importance of cleaning up after your dog is to be underlined in a new social media campaign beginning this Wednesday. Clare County Council is teaming up with its colleagues in Cork county, Limerick and Tipperary local authorities for the campaign to combat dog litter. It will run until next Monday and take in the May bank holiday when more people than ever will be expected to be out walking their dogs. Leas Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr Pat Burke, welcomed this social media campaign targeting the scourge of dog poo on our streets, footpaths, greens and other public spaces. Councillor Burke said: “Dog litter is an issue throughout County Clare. Everyone has an experience of stepping in it or wheeling in it with buggies, wheelchairs and bikes. “I am asking citizens with dogs to be responsible, show you love your dog, your community and your county and protect public health. Please pick up after your dog and bag and bin …

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Pandemic prompts more job seekers to look West

TULLA-based company Beckman Coulter is among the West of Ireland firms who are hoping to attract staff looking to relocate in the wake of the pandemic. It comes as the Western Development Commission (WDC) launched a new online jobs portal aimed at attracting professionals and their families to make new lives in Clare and the western region generally. The site, WesternJobs.ie, will help job seekers to find open roles across the region and assist employers in gauging the availability and depth of skills that they require. Commenting, Orlaith Lawler, Senior Director of Beckman Coulter, said her organisation welcomed the chance to be involved. “We are delighted to feature the open roles that we have available here at Beckman Coulter on Westernjobs.ie,” she said. “The portal will act as a one-stop shop to help attract the best talent to the West of Ireland. At Beckman Coulter, we have numerous opportunities for talented, ambitious people.” Quin native and CEO of WDC Tomás Ó Síocháin, said the initiative …

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Cusack family fortunes are tied up with those of Ardnacrusha’s power station

THE Cusack family has enjoyed a long association with Ardnacrusha Power Station and the Shannon Scheme. This was graphically illustrated when the ESB presented John Cusack with a framed photograph of the power station, marking his working life of 50 years when he celebrated his 90th birthday. The inscription on the photograph chronicled the fact John worked with Siemens-Schuckert from 1926 until 1977. In 1912, John Cusack was born in Parteen village and started work in the Shannon Scheme as a messenger boy at the age of 13 and also worked as a labourer before he got a job in the power station. The schoolmaster at Parteen National School allowed him to leave national school to start his new working life. At the time, John was living across the road from Parteen School and his cousin, Patsy Keegan told him there was a job opportunity going on the Shannon Scheme. John used to collect time sheets from German employees and …

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Fewer than five new cases of Covid-19 in Clare as CMO expresses ‘cautious optimism’

THE Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of fewer than five additional cases of Covid-19 in Clare and one additional death related to Covid-19 nationally. There has been a total of 4,874 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland. As of midnight, Sunday, April 25, the HPSC has been notified of 437 confirmed cases of Covid-19. There has now been a total of 247,069* confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland. Of the cases notified today: 220 are men / 216 are women 76% are under 45 years of age The median age is 29 years old 169 in Dublin, 62 in Donegal, 40 in Kildare, 29 in Meath, 21 in Galway and the remaining 116 cases are spread across 17 other counties.** As of 8am today, 184 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 46 are in ICU. 19 additional hospitalisations in the past 24 hours. As of April 24th, 2021, 1,385,753 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Ireland: …

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Free smartphone, tablet and computer instruction on offer to older people

AGE Action, Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people and ageing, is offering older people the opportunity to improve their digital literacy skills so they can be more informed, connected and independent. The Age Action ‘Getting Started’ programme is five hours of free one-to-one tutoring for older people who want to learn or develop their skills on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Age Action will match people with a volunteer who will tutor them over the phone. The programme is learner led meaning the class is designed for the person to learn what they want to learn. Typically, classes cover topics like how to set up an email, how to download an app, and how to use video to meet friends or family. Age Action will also send learners a 40-page booklet with images to help with tutoring sessions. People can find out more and register for the Age Action Getting Started KIT classes by calling Age Action on 01 …

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Parking issues to be tackled in O’Briensbridge

EFFORTS are being made to ease congestion caused by traffic accessing popular water-based activities at Bruach na Sionna in O’Briensbridge. The issue was raised by Councillor Tony O’Brien at the Killaloe Municipal District meeting, when he asked for action to be taken. “€200,000 has been allocated for water-based activities which is welcome,” he said. “At the moment, there are parking issues in the area, especially for households on the lower side of the bridge who have difficulties getting out onto the road. It’s great to see the action on the water but the residents are being discommoded and that’s the last thing we want. There is a carpark there and we need more people to be using that. I would be hopeful that with dialogue between Waterways Ireland and other stakeholders, there will be a solution in the near future.” Seconding the motion, Councillor Joe Cooney said that he had also been contacted by people experiencing difficulties getting in and …

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Massive rise in catalytic converter thefts

SIGNIFICANT progress has been made in relation to a spike in thefts of catalytic converters from vehicles across the county, according to Clare’s top Garda. Outlining the crime figures for the first three months of 2021, Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran noted that thefts from MPVs had more than doubled on the same period last year. The figures, presented to members of Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) bear out the big jump in reports of thefts at locations all over Clare in recent months. While all other categories of property crime fell in the first quarter, year-on-year, there was a 115% increase in thefts from vehicles. “There were 34 thefts from MPVs between January and March of last year and 73 this year,” outlined the chief superintendent. “Catalytic converters are very much the target. Significant arrests and in-roads have been made in this regard.” Reacting to the figures, Councillor Alan O’Callaghan noted that catalytic converters are stolen for their scrap value. …

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