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Pandemic leaves a €28m hole

SHANNON Group recorded a loss of over €28 million in 2020, with the pandemic devastating its aviation and tourism businesses. In the group’s annual report for 2020, Chief Executive Mary Considine wrote, “We found ourselves facing an unprecedented crisis which resulted in the group recording a loss for the year of €28.2 million (post tax and exceptional items) compared to a profit in 2019 of €21.6 million, a reduction of almost €50 million. “During the year, the group incurred exceptional charges of €27.9 million, the main exceptional item being an impairment in the carrying value of the airport of €24.5 million, which was necessitated as a result of the uncertain passenger outlook due to Covid-19. “Group revenue was down 57% to €34.3 million in 2020 from almost €80 million in 2019. Faced with this significant reduction in revenue, the group implemented stringent cost control measures. “Our overall operating costs reduced by 42.5% in the year, to just under €30 million,” …

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Clare libraries set to open from Monday

NONE of the Banner’s libraries have got to open to the public in 2021 yet, but the doors will be unlocked again from next Monday, albeit with restrictions reflecting yet another new normal. “We’re due to open on the 10th in a browsing capacity only, so there won’t be people sitting around for long periods of time in the library,” said county librarian Helen Walsh this week. “We have a metric with how many we can let in at a given time and a time limit as well, so it’ll really be in and out, as opposed to having students sitting down. Now, you can still access things like the photocopier and printer and things like that,” she assured. She felt click and collect could have preceded this stage and is pleased it wasn’t introduced. “We are delighted we are open, because we thought it would be click and collect, which was the way we were before. That would have …

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Gardai warn of more scams underway

GARDAÍ in Clare have issued a warning to the public after a number of people were victims of scams. Last Tuesday, April 27, at 12 noon a gentleman received a phone call from a person claiming to be from the office of the Attorney General and alleging that he had been involved in money laundering. The caller asked him to transfer a sum of money to an account. It was after he did this that he realised this was a scam. In a separate incident a lady received a phone call from a person pretending to be from her bank and telling her that her account has been used for money laundering. She was asked to transfer her money to another account which she unfortunately did. Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Triona Brooks also outlines that there have also been reports of people getting calls from an 083 number claiming to be from the Department of Social Protection. The recipients of …

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408 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed nationally

THE Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 1 additional death related to COVID-19. There has been a total of 4,919 COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland. As of midnight, Friday, May 7, the HPSC has been notified of 408 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There has now been a total of 252,303* confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland. Of the cases notified today: 205 are men / 202 are women 77% are under 45 years of age The median age is 31 years old As of 8am today, 110 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 33 are in ICU. 9 additional hospitalisations in the past 24 hours. As of May 6, 1,746,912 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Ireland: 1,267,167 people have received their first dose 479,745 people have received their second dose

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Village’s crossing begins

WORKS have just got underway on a long-awaited pedestrian crossing for the village of Broadford, writes Fiona McGarry. The traffic calming scheme, which was proposed by Councillor Joe Cooney, at the March meeting of the Killaloe Municipal District, will extend from the local national school to the GAA pitch. Welcoming the commencement of the works, which are likely to take a number of weeks, Councillor Cooney said the issue had been on the agenda for some time. “Everyone appreciates that these improvement works are badly needed,” he said. “There is a serious issue with road safety for a number of years. Teachers and parents have worked well to keep issues under control on a very busy regional road and the really good news is that works are underway on a pedestrian crossing. “When the job is completed, the area will be a lot safer for the pupils and wider community. While a lot of improvement works have been carried out …

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Mental health talk with leading psychologist

AS part of their popular spring calendar of virtual events, Ennis Mental Health Association (EMHA) will present a “not-to-be-missed” evening of conversation on Thursday, May 13 with the renowned Dr Tony Bates discussing “Why Talking Helps”. A regular contributor to Brendan O’Connor’s RTÉ Radio1 programme, Dr Tony Bates is a Clinical Psychologist, who was Head of Psychology for 30 years in St James’s Hospital Dublin, and who established and directed the MSc Cognitive Psychotherapy in TCD until 2006. He founded Jigsaw, The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, in 2006 to serve young people and their mental health needs, and he was made honorary Professor of Psychology in UCD last September as a tribute to his contribution to the field. According to spokesperson for EMHA “As a high level of interest for this event is anticipated, early booking is advised”. EMHA is a community-based, volunteer-led organisation that, for 30 years, has consistently focused attention on mental health issues, and promoted …

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Councillors to be briefed on Limerick-Scariff greenway plans

KILLALOE councillors are to receive a briefing on progress with the proposed greenway from Limerick to Scariff/Tuamgraney, after the cathaoirleach of the district described local people as “perplexed” about the matter. Councillor Pat Hayes sought details on the current status of the project, which he said has potential to link East Clare into key tourism trails across a wide geographical area. Updating district members, Senior Executive Officer (SEO) Morgan Lahiffe said the parties involved were hoping to appoint consultants to look at potential routes for the 41km trail. “Clare County Council is working together with Limerick City and County Council, the ESB and Waterways Ireland,” he explained. “Waterways Ireland are the lead agency on this and the hope is that consultants would shortly be working on route selection options. The steering group will include this local authority and we hope that the consultants will be reporting back by the end of 2021. I have asked Waterways Ireland for the latest …

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IT upgrade makes Ennis a university town

THE announcement this week that Ennis is to become a university town has been described as “fantastic news” for the county capital and the entire region. The green light has been given for a new Technological University in the Mid-West and Midlands. Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris has designated Athlone Institute of Technology and Limerick Institute of Technology Ireland’s next technological university. LIT’s Ennis campus on Bindon Street will fall under the remit of the new institution. Announcing the designation of the new TU on Wednesday Minister Harris TD said, “This is another hugely important day for higher education in Ireland and in particular for the Midlands and Mid-West regions. “The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving and the people of the Midlands and Mid-West will henceforth be at the heart both geographically and practically of that evolution. “This new technological university designate will increase higher education access, provide enhanced research-led teaching and …

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