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Clare Covid figures revealed by health authorities

CLARE has had fewer than five new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the past day, according to figures from the health authorities. The 14-day incidence rate in Clare is 39.6 per 100,000 of the population, the fourth lowest in the country. Nationally, there were no further deaths related to the virus and 381 confirmed new cases. Regionally, Limerick and Tipperary both had 13 confirmed new cases of Covid-19. Of the cases notified today, 192 are men, 188 are women, 77% are under 45 years of age and the median age is 31 years old. Some 188 of the confirmed cases were in Dublin, 39 in Donegal, 30 in Kildare, 13 in Limerick, 13 in Cork, 13 in Tipperary, 13 in Westmeath and the remaining 72 cases are spread across 15 other counties. As of 8am this Monday, 124 Covid-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 31 are in ICU. Some 15 additional hospitalisations occurred in the past 24 hours. As of …

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Fahybeg windfarm updates furnished

THE developers of a windfarm in South East Clare have made updated information available in response to public queries over the potential impact on health and property prices. RWE Renewables Ireland Limited, which describes itself as one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies, said it is half-way through an eight-week pre-planning consultation process and keen to engage with the community living close to the 320-hectare site which is 6km south west of Killaloe and 1.5km north of Bridgetown. The German company also said that, to date, the exact locations of the eight proposed turbines in the Fahybeg Windfarm have not been pinned down and that studies to determine these are underway. “So far we have been contacted by residents by phone, text and by email and some residents have asked to meet with us in person,” said a letter issued by the company. We have managed to meet them in their gardens over the last couple of weeks, taking …

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Campaign to find chair as board shy of gender target

THE position of chair of Shannon Group is to be advertised once more, following February’s fiasco when a candidate was announced and then stepped down within hours. Aaron Forde had been announced as the appointee, before the emergence of several offensive tweets by the former head of agri business Aurivo emerged. There had been some uncertainty about what would happen next, but an email to Clare TD Joe Carey from Transport Minister Eamon Ryan’s office this week sought to clarify the situation. The email stated, “Minister Ryan and Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton have agreed to launch a new campaign with the Public Appointments Service (PAS) and the minister has requested that this process be concluded as expeditiously as possible. “Department officials are currently engaging with PAS on progressing this new campaign and the department expects to receive clarity from PAS regarding the proposed dates and timeline for this competition in the very near future,” the email stated. Deputy Carey …

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Trees vandalised at Clare burial ground

RECENTLY planted trees at a Clare burial grounds have been vandalised. The trees were destroyed at Ballycannon burial grounds in Meelick with their tops cut off and leaving behind only short pieces of trunk. Clare Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Triona Brooks is urging anybody who witnessed this destruction to contact their local garda station. She explained, “Last summer, at the request of concerned members of the local community, the burial grounds unit engaged a tree surgeon to carry out an appraisal of high and mature elm trees on the approach avenue to Ballycannon Burial ground in Meelick. “It was recommended to fell the elm trees as they posed a hazard to adjoining houses. This area was replanted using immature low growing Irish ash over a dozen of which were replanted by Clare County Council. “Last Thursday the Burial Grounds Unit of Clare County Council found that all these trees had been destroyed by cutting the tops off them leaving approximately …

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Mother wants to change the system after she was almost choked and slashed with a knife

A WOMAN, who claimed she was almost choked and slashed with a knife in one terrifying incident and “beaten to a pulp” in another attack by a Kilrush man, has spoken publicly for the first time. Sourney Linnane, who is a native of Pollagh, Ballinderreen, has waived her anonymity to launch a campaign to dramatically improve the statutory rights and state support services for anyone suffering from all forms of physical and psychological abuse. The mother-of-three has requested interim Justice Minister Heather Humphreys to introduce a statutory right for any victim of coercive control, domestic abuse, rape or any form of serious physical and mental abuse to be told about the official release date of their convicted perpetrator from prison. Martin Mulqueen (53), Ballynote, Kilrush, but with an address in Bawn Street, Strokestown, County Roscommon, was the third person to be jailed for coercive control in Ireland recently. Mulqueen pleaded guilty during this trial to three sample charges, including coercive …

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Credit unions backing mental health initiative

KILRUSH and Derg Credit Unions have teamed up to help a key suicide prevention charity which is rolling out a community-based system to ensure support is available for anyone in mental health distress. Cycle Against Suicide’s Community Buddy Programme trains and equips people in communities with the practical, hands-on skills and knowledge they need to deliver support locally. Through this programme, Buddies are trained to provide a listening ear, show empathy, discern the level of mental health distress an individual is going through, and make recommendations for appropriate professional help and resources that can help the individual cope positively and build resilience. “This is a really fantastic idea because people are really struggling right now,” said Claire Neylon, Business Development Officer with Kilrush Credit Union. “We’re delighted to be working with Derg Credit Union on this, because we have a great relationship with them and with Ennistymon Credit Union, whereby we often undertake joint marketing initiatives.” Cycle Against Suicide is …

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514 additional cases of Covid-19 confirmed nationally

THE Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of two additional deaths related to Covid-19. There has been a total of 4,921 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland. As of midnight, Saturday, May 8, the HPSC has been notified of 514 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There has now been a total of 252,809* confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland. Of the cases notified today: 259 are men / 248 are women 75% are under 45 years of age The median age is 28 years old As of 8am today, 116 Covod-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 31 are in ICU. 11 additional hospitalisations in the past 24 hours. As of May 7, 1,799,190 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Ireland: 1,305,178 people have received their first dose 494,012 people have received their second dose

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Parish priest defends staging Sunday masses ‘the whole time’ during Covid-19 lockdown saying, ‘no one has got Covid-19 from being in there’

A PARISH priest today defended staging regular Sunday morning masses during Covid-19 lockdown saying that no person has got Covid-19 from attending his masses, reports Gordon Deegan. PP of Ennistymon, Fr Willie Cummins was speaking on Sunday after 48* mass goers attended 11am mass at the local Catholic church in the north Clare town. At the end of today’s mass, Fr Cummins told mass goers from the altar, “Thank you all for coming and with the help of God, there will be even more next Sunday.” From Monday, priests can celebrate masses with 50 people – however, during the Covid-19 Level 5 lockdown, it has been a criminal offence to attend public mass, other than funerals and weddings. In an interview outside Church after mass ended on Sunday, Fr Cummins said, “There hasn’t been one person who has got Covid from being in there.” Asked how many Sundays he has celebrated mass during the current Covid-19 lockdown, Fr Cummins said, …

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