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Eircom to appeal mast refusal with Council planners at odds

LOCAL authority planners were in conflict over a telecommunications company’s application to extend the height of a mast in Shannon. While an initial planner’s report had recommended giving Eircom Limited planning permission to extend the height of a mast at the Eir Exchange in Tullyvarraga, a subsequent note to the planning file found this would be inappropriate and planning was then denied. Eircom Limited has now appealed Clare County Council’s decision to An Bord Pleanála with a decision due by August 30. A report signed by Ellen Carey on March 25 had recommended giving the green light, subject to a number of conditions. However, a note to the file, signed by planners Garreth Ruane and Helen Quinn on April 1, had a different view. The note states, “I refer to area planner’s report in which a grant of permission is recommended. I have inspected the subject site and surrounds and also note the further information response as received. “Notwithstanding the …

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Bridgetown woman’s relief as Italy removed from hotel quarantine list

A SOUTH East Clare woman living in Milan has raised welcomed the removal of Italy from the list of countries from which visitors must go into Mandatory Hotel Quarantine (MHQ). Rachel Turner, a native of Bridgetown, who has been living and working in Italy for over a decade, said the decision of the Irish government to add Italy to the list for MHQ sent shockwaves through the community, when it was announced last month. She also told The Champion that it had led to an upsurge in anti-Irish sentiment online. Speaking from Milan this week Rachel said she was very pleased that concerns of the Irish-Italian community had been listened to. “I am very relieved to know that if in an emergency I can get home though no-one wants to think like that it’s a scary prospect not being able to,” she said. “We are happy to be off the list but the situation of MHQ in Ireland needs to …

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Latest Covid figures for Clare disclosed

CLARE has once again recorded fewer than five new confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to figures released by the health authorities. The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of a further 370 confirmed cases nationwide, with nine additional deaths related to Covid-19. Regionally, Limerick has reported 24 new cases and Tipperary recorded six. There has been a total of 4,929* Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland and a total of 253,567 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland. Of the cases notified today, 190 are men and 185 are women; 77% are under 45 years of age and the median age is 29 years old. Of today’s cases, 171 are in Dublin, 27 in Donegal, 28 in Kildare, 24 in Limerick, 22 in Cork and the remaining 107 cases are spread across 18 other counties. As of 8am today, 117 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 34 are in ICU, 20 additional hospitalisations in the past 24 hours. As of …

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Group wage payments drop by €10m

THE impact of the pandemic on employment within Shannon Group was revealed in its annual report for 2020 this week. According to the report the group was employing 206 fewer people on average in 2020 when compared to 2019. There were an average of 512 whole time equivalents employed in 2019, but this dropped to 306 the following year, the report stated. Basic wages and salaries slumped from €22,814,000 in 2019 to €16,882,000 in 2020. Overtime payments fell by more than 75%, from €675,000 to €164,000. The total amount of compensation paid to workers was just over €24.5 million in 2019. Shannon Group received wage subsidies of €3.68 million in 2020, and when this is taken into account, the 2020 figure was just €14.17 million. A voluntary severance scheme was launched during the year and Shannon Group spent €3,436,000 on associated costs during the year. The report indicates that Shannon Commercial Properties and Shannon Airport Authority received some flexibility from …

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Proposal to tackle takeaway littering fried by legal issues

Motion to compel food businesses to affix car registrations to food bags likely to fall foul of GDPR A PROPOSAL to oblige Ennis takeaways put the car registration on bags of food ordered from them in a bid to tackle illegal dumping would appear to have had its chips. A meeting of the Ennis Municipal District has heard there is no legislative basis for the plan, proposed by Councillor Ann Norton, while concerns about GDPR were also highlighted. Councillor Norton had urged that the local authority to investigate the possibility of putting the registration of the car on the bag at takeaways and drive-thrus. “When it’s tossed out the window, it can be delivered back to its owners with a fine for littering. This could be a pilot project to deter people from littering,” she proposed. Responding to the motion, Cyril Feeney, senior engineer, stated, “I note the merits of introducing such a scheme but unfortunately I do not believe …

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Nursing home still in breach after four 2020 inspections

Eight issues outstanding at Meelick facility says HIQA which also visited in February, May and July EIGHT breaches of national health regulations were detected in a Meelick nursing home following an unannounced inspection last September, according to the findings of a new report. Inspectors from the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) found Ennis Road Care Facility (ERCF) was non-compliant with changes to information supplied for registration purposes, persons in charge, staffing, governance and management, statement of purpose, infection control, fire precautions and residents’ rights. The inspectors acknowledged the efforts made by the registered provider to strengthen the governance and management of the centre including the recruitment and appointment of a nurse management team and 33 new staff. This was an unannounced risk-based inspection undertaken to follow up on the “poor inspection findings” in February, May and July 2020, all of which had identified issues with the governance and management of the service. Following the last inspection in July 2020, …

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Clare is lowest in Munster for Covid-19 related fines

Garda statistics show only 418 Covid breach penalties GARDA statistics in relation to Covid-19 fines indicate that Clare is the most compliant county in the Southern region. Over the course of 2021 to-date, 418 fines were issued in Clare out of a total of 6,041 in the region. These were imposed for breaches of regulations, including the holding of house parties and travelling without a reasonable excuse. The figure for Clare represents the lowest number of financial penalties issued in any of the divisions in the South. By comparison, there were 429 fines issued in Kerry up to the end of April; 525 in Tipperary; 544 in West Cork; 745 in North Cork; 1,270 in Limerick and 2,100 in Cork City. An analysis of fines issued in Clare in the month of April shows the average number was five per week. As the phased re-opening of society and the economy continues, Kilmurry McMahon native and Deputy Garda Commissioner, Anne Marie …

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Cycling audit looks to get people back in the saddle

Plans to realise Shannon’s full potential as a cycling-friendly town being developed in partnership A PLAN for Shannon to potentially become the country’s most cycling friendly town is currently being developed, and Senator Róisín Garvey visited last week to help complete a cycling audit of the area. The Love Shannon Community Council, the Leisure Centre, the local cycling club, Shannon scouts and pupils from St Caimin’s were all involved in last week’s initiative. Niamh O’Callaghan of Love Shannon Community Council said efforts to improve local cycling facilities have been ongoing for a couple of months. “It all started from an Active Clare zoom call which Róisín Garvey organised with the Transport Minister a few months ago. Then myself and John Drysdale from the Scouts had a follow up Zoom with Róisín and then we started a cycling campaign, where we sent emails and posters to all the schools and to the Chamber and we asked them to circulate those to …

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