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Watchful eye on the sky saving lives from Shannon

FOR two police officers in New Mexico, in February, their fate was in the hands of the search and rescue teams who found them, when their aircraft crashed. A similar situation faced a businessman in 2019, when his aircraft crashed in the middle of the ocean.  All three were successfully rescued and returned to safety, thanks in no small way to the team at the IAA North Atlantic Communications Centre in Ballygirreen. Using the latest technology, they were able to direct the search and rescue crews to the exact locations of the crashed aircraft. One member of that team is Paula Quinn, who has 12 years’ experience in the sector, firstly as radio officer and now as a watch manager. Paula explains that it is vital the locations of all aircraft are monitored at all times and that until recently, it was difficult to get exact, real-time locations for aircraft flying over the oceans. “Monitoring of these aircraft relied solely …

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Hear new voices and stories from ‘Cuimhneamh’ archive

NEW voices and new stories collected as part of the Cuimhneamh an Chláir archive of oral history will be aired next Monday night, as part of the Bealtaine Festival of creativity in older age. At the online event, from 7.30pm on May 31, Paula Carroll will host an evening of memories and stories from Clare’s older citizens. In recent times, Cuimhneamh an Chláir has welcomed new members through the Clare Volunteer Centre and they have been recording and transcribing more stories for the online archive, Clarememories.ie. Topics in the latest round of collecting include the scourge of TB in 1940s Doolin; the cheapness of workers’ lives on the Shannon Scheme; pipe-smoking grannies; dead bodies in the yard, and houses that weren’t there. On the last day of Bealtaine, Cuimhneamh an Chláir is inviting all interested people to a Zoom gathering to listen to these new voices and stories. To register your interest, e-mail at info@clarememories.ie A zoom link will be …

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Ennistymon grateful for heritage gate funding

A PROJECT aimed at ensuring the survival of a part of Ennistymon’s heritage has been granted funding. Ennistymon Tidy Towns plan to carry out a survey of the area’s remaining hand-forged gates with the aim of identifying which of these historic items can eventually be restored. Grant funding for the survey has been awarded to the local group under the recently announced Community Heritage Grant scheme 2021. Brendan P Lynch, chairperson Ennistymon Tidy Towns told The Champion, “This is a great recognition of the group’s involvement in the heritage of the area and in turn will form part of our heritage entry into the national Tidy Towns competition. The Ennistymon Vernacular Gates Survey will, he said, look at all remaining hand-forged gates in the town of Ennistymon and surrounding hinterland and record these to the standard of the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH). “This survey will then be used to identify a select number of gates to be conserved …

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Councillor hits back at ‘keyboard warriors’ and negative commentary

NEGATIVE online commentary about Shannon and Clare County Council’s role in running it was criticised this week, with several members of the Shannon MD saying it’s time to point out some of the positive things about Clare’s second largest town. Independent Councillor Gerry Flynn called out those he referred to as “keyboard warriors”, who always criticise the town and elected representatives. “They hide beyond their keyboards and they’re always negative, negative, negative.” He said it’s time that the Council “spoke up about all that is good about Shannon”. A motion from Councillor Flynn asked that the Council engage a public relations specialist to publicise “the many positives that exist in Shannon Town as a place to live, bring up a family and avail of the many opportunities that exist for employment, education, social interests and also an expansive landscape to enjoy”. Councillor Flynn says the local authority has the web address shannon.ie available to it, and this could be used …

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Gaelcholáiste An Chláir win social innovator award by highlighting poverty through SVP shop initiative

AN Ennis school was honoured at the Young Social Innovators of the Year Ireland (YSI) Awards for its positive impact in helping to create a more equal, fair and sustainable world. Picking up the‘Fun-raising’ award, the team from Gaelcholáiste an Chláir, was recognised for its Poverty is 24/7’ project. This award recognises teams that have brought awareness and raising funds in for a cause in an innovative way. The Gaelcholáiste an Chláir students organised a fundraising event last December in which they took over the running of a local St Vincent de Paul Charity shop for 24 hours to help communicate a message that poverty is 24/7 while also raising funds for SVP. The 16 members of the 4GC class at Gaelcholáiste an Chláir completely managed the Vincent’s shop on Parnell Street for 24 hours offering a Christmas shopping experience with a difference. The students, with the support of teacher Martina McNamara, raised more than €5,500 in funds for the …

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Push on to bolster victim support

ISSUES raised by a South Galway mother-of-three, who survived a harrowing experience of coercive control, are central to the ongoing work of a national organisation, it emerged this week. Safe Ireland is working to erase the silence, secrecy and shame surrounding coercive control and domestic violence so that those in abusive relationships can make new lives without stigma and with proper support pathways in place. Chief Executive Officer, Mary McDermott has praised Sourney Linnane for showing tremendous courage by waiving her anonymity and speaking publicly in the Clare Champion about her experience of coercive control. “Safe Ireland hope Sourney is well and is fully supported locally on her extremely difficult journey. The issues she raised are central to our ongoing work. We have engaged formally on them through our many submissions to government.” She acknowledged the four key points Ms Linnane has raised in a recent interview are significant issues. While a barring order is attached to an address, Ms …

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Clare celebrates Africa Day with virtual event

CLARE County Council is celebrating Africa Day this May 25 with a virtual event that can be viewed on the local authority’s YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/5ssGQSAQFkQ With Covid restrictions hampering the usual gatherings and celebrations, the Council, in collaboration with the Association of Nigerian Community in Clare and the Clare Immigrant Support Centre, has created a video that contains a wide variety of content sharing the African Irish culture here in Clare. Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr Mary Howard, said: “In Clare, Africa Day represents an opportunity to acknowledge a diverse and important group of people who enrich and make a valuable contribution to Irish society.” The Cathaoirleach, along with members of Clare’s African Irish community, planted a tree this year as part of the celebrations to symbolise the deepening roots of those living in County Clare. The positive impact and influence of Ireland’s African communities is evidenced across many aspects of life in County Clare, not least the worlds …

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Over €22,000 of suspected cannabis seized in Tulla

GARDAÍ have seized over €22,000 of suspected cannabis in the Tulla area following a search by the Clare Garda Divisional Drugs Unit at around 5pm on, Tuesday, May 24, 2021. During the course of the search Gardaí discovered a quantity suspected cannabis plants, at various stages of growth, with a street value of €21,600. The plants were located in a greenhouse on the property. Gardaí also seized €1,000 of suspected cannabis herb. The suspected drugs will now be sent to Forensic Science Ireland for analysis. A man, aged in his 40s, was arrested and detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984 at Ennis Garda Station. He was later released from custody and a file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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