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Clare art project a shore fire success by the lake

Artist Melissa Ryan talks to Dan Danaher about a unique art exhibition showcasing professional and emerging artists near the shores of Lough Derg SEVEN emerging artists from the Killaloe Ballina area are amongst 120 participants who have united to create a unique free outdoor community art exhibition near the shores of Lough Derg. Carol O’Donoghue, Lori Foley, Teresa Kearns, Kathleen Valette, Kathleen Sheehan, Donna Lawlor and Pauline Quigley, were supported by the local Family Resource Centre during an innovative community project and competition. One of the professional artists is Kerry Acheson, who lives in Killaloe, and is also an art teacher. ‘At One with Nature’, which opens this Friday and runs for one month, showcases 50 original works, with more than 120 artists using Malaysian pine boards, 150 cm by 150 cm hand painted in acrylics, along the scenic 2.2 kilometres Pollagh trail beside the River Shannon in Birdhill village. The winners in different categories will be announced at the …

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Clare councillors seek to ‘buy time’ for new development plan

AN ATTEMPT is to be made to secure extra time to iron out controversial elements of the forthcoming County Development plan. A group of 11 council members have indicated their intention to seek an extension of time for the creation of the blueprint which will cover the period 2022-2028. They have cited concerns about the impact of national policies on rural Clare. Population projections contained in the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the distribution of new development have alarmed many members of the council. They have also taken issue with the requirement that lands with no prospect of being serviced in the lifetime of the county development plan be de-zoned. At the local authority meeting this week, Councillors Murphy, Hayes, Cooney, Gerry Flynn, Norton, Crowe, Kelly, O’Callaghan, Colleran-Molloy, O’Gorman and O’Brien tabled a motion calling for the extension of time in light of new guidelines on rural housing and wind energy, as well as changes brought about by the pandemic. …

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Documentary to be made on Clareman’s Ukraine dating tour

AN EAST Clare man’s efforts to find long-term love for up to 30 single men, by leading a dating tour to Ukraine, are to be the subject of a new video documentary. Scariff’s James Treacy, a professional photographer and pilgrimage organiser, made national news when he announced his plans last month. The trip to Ukraine, slated for next year, will be documented in a film directed by Malcolm Willis of Icy Peaks Productions, based in County Kerry. Some advance scenes for a trailer were shot at Kilmallock Mart last week, where Mr Treacy often works photographing livestock. “The documentary is starting next Monday, we are only filming now but this is going to take a year to put it together,” Mr Treacy said. “We are planning to go onto the Late Late Show on Valentine’s Day and we are applying for the Graham Norton Show.” In June, Mr Treacy announced that he has teamed up with an American tour operator, …

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Lough Derg concern over alien invasion

AN ALIEN invasion is underway in Lough Derg causing concern for the local ecosystem. The alien in question is a mussel called the guagga, originally from Ukraine, which has been found in the lake by a local marine biologist. The guagga mussel was found in early July in Ireland. A team from UCD, led by Dr Jan Robert Baars, discovered its presence in large numbers in Lough Ree. Lower numbers were found downstream in Lough Derg by Dr Dan Minchin of the Lough Derg Science Group, where it is expected its numbers will increase. Dr Minchin has been working on projects with Dr Baars on the River Shannon since 2016. This species, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, known as the quagga mussel, is expected to expand and suppress the numbers of the closely-related zebra mussel that arrived in Ireland in 1994. It is thought the zebra mussel arrived as fouling on imported leisure craft ferried from the Midlands of Britain. It is …

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Eriksen inspires defibrillator motion at Clare Council

DANISH midfielder Christian Eriksen inspired a motion at the local authority meeting his week, when members backed a call for funding for defibrillators and training for communities across Clare. Councillor John Crowe recalled the dramatic scenes at the Euro 2020 match against Finland last month, when the 29-year old suffered a cardiac arrest and was saved thanks to prompt intervention with a defibrillator. “The European Championships brought it home to everyone,” he said. “What happened to Christian Eriksen really highlighted the issue and showed what a defibrillator can do. The Minister for Health should be looking at a scheme to fund defibrillators and training and €1,700 for a club or village is a very small price to be looking at. We should write to the Department to seek money for communities. Every second family has heart problems going down the generations.” The Fine Gael member also recommended that all councillors receive training. The motion was seconded by Councillor Cillian Murphy. …

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US heritage award for musician with strong Clare connection

US National Heritage Fellowship award for traditional musician Joanie Madden Two weeks ago in Washington D.C., the National Endowment for the Arts funded by the U.S. Government to preserve and promote the Arts throughout the country confirmed what those of us who celebrate Traditional Irish music and dance in America have known for decades. In announcing their selections for nominees to receive a prestigious award known as the National Heritage Fellowship for their lifetime achievements as tradition-bearing Folk Artists, the name of native New Yorker Joanie Madden appeared on the list. The esteemed designation recognizes individuals who in excelling in their personal craft also pay homage to their heritage in the multicultural fabric and roots of American culture and artistry with the recognition also earning an honorarium of €21,000. It is considered the highest distinction a treasured folk artist can receive in the USA. The NEA created the awards 40 years ago to recognize the role of diversity in the …

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Clare car registrations up in first half of 2021

THERE were 1,359 new cars registered in Clare during the first half of 2021. This is significantly up on the 1,164 registrations in the first half of 2020, but still far below the 1,593 in the first half of 2019, before the pandemic struck. Of the new registrations in Clare 529 were diesel and 397 petrol. There were also 319 hybrids and 89 electric. Brian Cooke, Director General of the Socieity of the Irish Motor Industry said that there is some reason to be positive about the sector’s potential recovery in the second half of the year. “The last 15 months has been for the Motor Industry a hugely difficult time, with new car sales down over a fifth when compared to pre-Covid 2019. “July 1, with the new 212 registration plate, will hopefully be a turning point for the Industry and with both the lead-in time provided by the reopening of showrooms and a strong order bank, retailers are …

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What is the Fair Deal scheme and how does it work?

While there are 677,000 citizens over the age of 66 currently in Ireland, by 2050 there will be 1.8million – and it costs. The Fair Deal scheme, brought into law on 1st July 2009 and introduced on 27th October that year under the Fair Deal Act or Nursing Home Support Act, provides financial support to people who need long-term nursing home care. • Under this scheme, you make a contribution towards the cost of your care and the HSE pays the balance. The scheme covers approved private nursing homes, voluntary nursing homes and public nursing homes. You can get a list of approved nursing homes from the HSE. • Anyone who is resident in Ireland and needs long-term nursing home care can apply for the scheme. When you apply, your care needs are assessed to confirm that long-term nursing home care is the most appropriate option for you. Your financial situation is also assessed to see how much you will have to contribute towards your …

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